Note to Florida and DeSantis: Enslaved Africans were already skilled
#FloridaHistory #EnslavedAfricans #SkilledWorkers #RonDesantis #Slavery #AfricanDiaspora #Politics #News
#floridahistory #enslavedafricans #skilledworkers #rondesantis #slavery #africandiaspora #politics #news
german · lawmakers · skilled · workers,cd_min:6/22/2023,cd_max:6/24/2023
#news #german #skilledworkers
US to ease visas for skilled Indian workers as Modi visits #India #JoeBiden #NarendraModi #skilledworkers #UnitedStates
#india #joebiden #narendramodi #skilledworkers #unitedstates
Die Schwestern Vardanyan, Musterfälle für Eigeninitiative und gelungene #Integration in Rekordzeit, werden trotz #Fachkräftemangel aus #Deutschland ageschoben. Sie bitten um weitere Zeichnung ihrer #Petition , da sie noch eine kleine Chance auf Rückkehr haben.
EN: 2 sisters, examples for successful #integration in record time, deported despite shortage of #skilledworkers in #DE ask for their #petition to be signed further, as they still have a small chance of returning.
#integration #fachkraftemangel #deutschland #petition #skilledworkers #de
Global News BC: Loans up to $25,000 offered up to have people make Vernon, B.C. home #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #RuralandNorthernImmigrationpilotprogram #CommunityFuturesNorthOkanagan #CommunityFuture #SkilledWorkers #NorthOkanagan #Shuswap #Canada #McNair #Vernon #News
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #ruralandnorthernimmigrationpilotprogram #communityfuturesnorthokanagan #communityfuture #skilledworkers #NorthOkanagan #shuswap #Canada #mcnair #Vernon
Match 9️⃣ will bring the #RheinishRegion of 🇩🇪 and #Wielkopolska of 🇵🇱 together.
They are planning to organise a study visit to the #RheinishRegion to talk about possible strategies for re-skilling former coal workers, attracting new companies and young #skilledworkers.
#RheinishRegion #Wielkopolska #skilledworkers
#Russia to provide #incentives to convince highly #skilledworkers to return from abroad #repatriationprogram
#repatriationprogram #skilledworkers #incentives #russia
#Russia to provide #incentives to convince highly #skilledworkers to return from abroad #repatriationprogram
#repatriationprogram #skilledworkers #incentives #russia