Anyone know anything about removing accounts from Cisco SkillsForAll? I was invited to join years ago (when it was called something different) after passing a course with the Open University, but now want nothing to do with it
There is absolutely nothing about removing accounts on the site and the chatbot is useless (no useful contact information on the site)
#cisco #skillsforall #openuniversity
Just to confirm to myself... 2 badges in 2 days... #Python #CiscoNetacad #SkillsForAll
#python #cisconetacad #skillsforall
RT @saylordotorg
Thank you to the @UN for sharing the good news about our efforts to increase access to education for all. We appreciate the support & look forward to welcoming more students from around the world! ->
#skillsforall #lifelonglearning
#lifelonglearning #skillsforall