New #review today: "The last full-length album from Chicago’s #LovelyLittleGirls was Glistening Vivid Splash back in 2016, but they’re now back with Effusive Supreme. We’ve encountered two of these tracks before, “Be Good to Your Shoes” and “Emphatic Service” on the Post Now: Round One - Chicago vs New York compilation, and they’re joined by eight more tracks of the band’s signature brand of musical oddness." #ExposeOnline #ArtRock #SkinGraftRecords #SkinGraft
#skingraft #skingraftrecords #artrock #exposeonline #lovelylittlegirls #review
#Colossamite – Economy Of Motion cd on #SkinGraft 1998
#Colossamite – All Lingo's Clamor cd ep on #SkinGraft 1997
#NewRelease: #Terms - All Becomes Indistinct out 21 April 2023 on #SkinGraft #MathRock insanity
#mathrock #skingraft #terms #newrelease
#NowPlaying: #LovelyLittleGirls - Glistening Vivid Splash (2016) Musical insanity from Chicago on #SkinGraft
#nowplaying #lovelylittlegirls #skingraft
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This week's COVID newsletter is out!
In this issue:
💊New antiviral drug for #COVID and #LongCOVID
❣️Guide on POTS evaluation & treatment
💉Vaccines decrease risk of heart attack & strokes
🐦 What's up with Bird Flu?
and much more
#share #COVID #LongCOVID #BirdFlu #wastewater #airplane #aircraft #cancer #antiviral #medication #heart #brain #vaccines #skin #SkinGraft #IBD
#covid #LongCovid #share #birdflu #wastewater #airplane #aircraft #cancer #antiviral #medication #heart #brain #vaccines #skin #skingraft #ibd
I aimed for Sarah Squirm levels of body horror, might have strayed into Armie Hammer territory:
Columbia researchers bioprint seamless 3D skin grafts for burn patients
#medicine #skingraft #columbia
Nichts für schwache Nerven! 😱 Diese #Bildrecherche für einen Artikel über die Meilensteine der Hauttransplantation hatte es in sich. Bald zu lesen und zu sehen im SkinMag des medEdition Verlags.
#dermatologie #medizingeschichte #medizinjournalismus #skinmag #gesundheitsredaktion #constoria #skingraft #hauttransplantation |
#bildrecherche #dermatologie #medizingeschichte #medizinjournalismus #skinmag #gesundheitsredaktion #constoria #skingraft #hauttransplantation
Nichts für schwache Nerven! 😱 Diese #Bildrecherche für einen Artikel über die Meilensteine der Hauttransplantation hatte es in sich. Bald zu lesen und zu sehen im SkinMag des medEdition Verlags.
#dermatologie #medizingeschichte #medizinjournalismus #skinmag #gesundheitsredaktion #constoria #skingraft #hauttransplantation |
#hauttransplantation #skingraft #constoria #gesundheitsredaktion #skinmag #medizinjournalismus #Medizingeschichte #dermatologie #Bildrecherche
#NowPlaying #Koenjihyakkei - Nivraym Revisited. New version of this great album, not just remastered, but with new parts added. Thanks, #SkinGraft #progrock
#nowplaying #koenjihyakkei #skingraft #progrock