New #review today: "The last full-length album from Chicago’s #LovelyLittleGirls was Glistening Vivid Splash back in 2016, but they’re now back with Effusive Supreme. We’ve encountered two of these tracks before, “Be Good to Your Shoes” and “Emphatic Service” on the Post Now: Round One - Chicago vs New York compilation, and they’re joined by eight more tracks of the band’s signature brand of musical oddness." #ExposeOnline #ArtRock #SkinGraftRecords #SkinGraft
#skingraft #skingraftrecords #artrock #exposeonline #lovelylittlegirls #review
#SkinGraftRecords #ListeningParty #Day2
#FlossieAndTheUnicorns – L M N O P 1998 co-release with #Quintron's #RhinestoneRecords
p.s. #MissPussycat is a puppeteer whose little animal friends are always starting bands!
Please don't try to figure out the "time signature" of this music - there isn't one.
After hearing LMNOP, #JohnPeel immediately invited Miss Pussycat to the UK to record #PeelSessions, an honor shared by #TheBeatles, #LedZeppelin and #USMaple.
#usmaple #ledzeppelin #thebeatles #peelsessions #johnpeel #misspussycat #rhinestonerecords #quintron #flossieandtheunicorns #day2 #listeningparty #skingraftrecords
#SkinGraftRecords #ListeningParty #Day2
#AidsWolf – Cities Of Glass cd 2008
#aidswolf #day2 #listeningparty #skingraftrecords
#SkinGraftRecords #ListeningParty #Day2
#GorgeTrio – Open Mouth, O Wisp cd 2004
#gorgetrio #day2 #listeningparty #skingraftrecords
#SkinGraftRecords #ListeningParty #Day2
#Pre – Epic Fits cd 2007
#pre #day2 #listeningparty #skingraftrecords
#SkinGraftRecords #ListeningParty #Day2
#AthleticAutomaton – A Journey Through Roman's Empire cd 2007
#athleticautomaton #day2 #listeningparty #skingraftrecords