TV TONIGHT (August 8)
#OMITB #HotWheelsUltimateChallenge #HardKnocks #DoublingDownWithTheDerricos #SkinwalkerRanch #DestinationNBA #NeverSeenAgain #Zombieverse #DeadliestCatch #WWENXT #StorageWars #WindyCityRehab #DarkSideOfTheRing #JustifiedCityPrimeval
#justifiedcityprimeval #DarkSideOfTheRing #windycityrehab #storagewars #WWENXT #deadliestcatch #zombieverse #neverseenagain #destinationnba #skinwalkerranch #doublingdownwiththederricos #hardknocks #hotwheelsultimatechallenge #OMITB
#NWAPowerrr(Surge) on #NWA's #YouTube this evening and on demand anytime
#WomenofWrestling #WoWSuperHeroes
(Now airing on #VICETV - Check Local Listings)
The Secret of #SkinwalkerRanch on #HistoryChannel
Beyond #SkinwalkerRanch on #HistoryChannel
#DarkSideoftheRing on #VICETV
#WWENXT live on #USANetwork
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#usanetwork #WWENXT #DarkSideOfTheRing #historychannel #skinwalkerranch #vicetv #wowsuperheroes #womenofwrestling #YouTube #nwa #NWAPOWERRR
#NWAPowerrr(Surge) on #NWA's #YouTube this evening and on demand anytime
#WomenofWrestling #WoWSuperHeroes
(Now airing on #VICETV - Check Local Listings)
The Secret of #SkinwalkerRanch on #HistoryChannel
Beyond #SkinwalkerRanch on #HistoryChannel
#DarkSideoftheRing on #VICETV
#WWENXT live on #USANetwork
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#usanetwork #WWENXT #DarkSideOfTheRing #historychannel #skinwalkerranch #vicetv #wowsuperheroes #womenofwrestling #YouTube #nwa #NWAPOWERRR
So many persistent and mysterious electronics failures on #SkinwalkerRanch but the cameras shooting the show are reliable as fuck.
#NWAPowerrr(Surge) on #YouTube this evening and on demand anytime
#WomenofWrestling #WoWSuperHeroes
(Now airing on #VICETV - Check Local Listings)
The Secret of #SkinwalkerRanch on #HistoryChannel
Beyond #SkinwalkerRanch on #HistoryChannel
#DarkSideoftheRing on #VICETV
#WWENXT live on #USANetwork
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#usanetwork #WWENXT #DarkSideOfTheRing #historychannel #skinwalkerranch #vicetv #wowsuperheroes #womenofwrestling #YouTube #NWAPOWERRR
#NWAPowerrr(Surge) on #YouTube this evening and on demand anytime
#WomenofWrestling #WoWSuperHeroes
(Now airing on #VICETV - Check Local Listings)
The Secret of #SkinwalkerRanch on #HistoryChannel
Beyond #SkinwalkerRanch on #HistoryChannel
#DarkSideoftheRing on #VICETV
#WWENXT live on #USANetwork
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#usanetwork #WWENXT #DarkSideOfTheRing #historychannel #skinwalkerranch #vicetv #wowsuperheroes #womenofwrestling #YouTube #NWAPOWERRR
The Secret of Skinwalker Ranch is a great show to watch if you’re into watching people launch rockets and review the video later that night and talk about launching more rockets.
#NWAPowerrr(Surge) on #YouTube this evening and on demand anytime
#WomenofWrestling #WoWSuperHeroes
(Now airing on #VICETV - Check Local Listings)
The Secret of #SkinwalkerRanch on #HistoryChannel
Beyond #SkinwalkerRanch on #HistoryChannel
#DarkSideoftheRing on #VICETV
#WWENXT live on #USANetwork
(2 of 2)
#usanetwork #WWENXT #DarkSideOfTheRing #historychannel #skinwalkerranch #vicetv #wowsuperheroes #womenofwrestling #YouTube #NWAPOWERRR
#WomenofWrestling #WoWSuperHeroes
(Now airing on #VICETV - Check Local Listings)
The Secret of #SkinwalkerRanch on #HistoryChannel
Beyond #SkinwalkerRanch on #HistoryChannel
#DarkSideoftheRing on #VICETV
#WWENXT presents #NXTGoldRush live on #USANetwork
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#usanetwork #nxtgoldrush #WWENXT #DarkSideOfTheRing #historychannel #skinwalkerranch #vicetv #wowsuperheroes #womenofwrestling
The Secret of #SkinwalkerRanch on #HistoryChannel
Beyond #SkinwalkerRanch on #HistoryChannel
#DarkSideoftheRing on #VICETV
#WWENXT presents #NXTGoldRush live on #USANetwork
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#usanetwork #nxtgoldrush #WWENXT #vicetv #DarkSideOfTheRing #historychannel #skinwalkerranch
New episode list of my shows for June 13th:
#ThePriceisRight this morning on #CBS (may be a repeat) #TPIR
#LetsMakeADeal on #CBS (may be a repeat) #LMAD
#Jeopardy (syndicated) #RIPAlexTrebek
#WomenofWrestling #WoWSuperHeroes
(Now airing on #VICETV - Check Local Listings)
The Secret of #SkinwalkerRanch on #HistoryChannel
Beyond #SkinwalkerRanch on #HistoryChannel
#DarkSideoftheRing on #VICETV
#WWENXT live on #USANetwork
#usanetwork #WWENXT #DarkSideOfTheRing #historychannel #skinwalkerranch #vicetv #wowsuperheroes #womenofwrestling #RIPAlexTrebek #jeopardy #LMAD #letsmakeadeal #tpir #cbs #thepriceisright
New episode list of my shows for June 6th:
#ThePriceisRight this morning on #CBS (may be a repeat) #TPIR
#LetsMakeADeal on #CBS (may be a repeat) #LMAD
#Jeopardy (syndicated) #RIPAlexTrebek
#NWAPowerrr(Surge) on #YouTube this evening and on demand anytime
#WomenofWrestling #WoWSuperHeroes
(Now airing on #VICETV - Check Local Listings)
The Secret of #SkinwalkerRanch (x2) on #HistoryChannel
#DarkSideoftheRing on #VICETV
#WWENXT live on #USANetwork
#usanetwork #WWENXT #DarkSideOfTheRing #historychannel #skinwalkerranch #vicetv #wowsuperheroes #womenofwrestling #YouTube #NWAPOWERRR #RIPAlexTrebek #jeopardy #LMAD #letsmakeadeal #tpir #cbs #thepriceisright
New episode list of my shows for May 30th:
#ThePriceisRight this morning on #CBS (may be a repeat) #TPIR
#LetsMakeADeal on #CBS (may be a repeat) #LMAD
#Jeopardy (syndicated) #RIPAlexTrebek
#NWAPowerrr(Surge) on #YouTube this evening and on demand anytime
#WomenofWrestling #WoWSuperHeroes
(Now airing on #VICETV - Check Local Listings)
The Secret of #SkinwalkerRanch on #HistoryChannel
#DarkSideoftheRing (#SeasonPremiere) on #VICETV
#WWENXT live on #USANetwork
#usanetwork #WWENXT #seasonpremiere #DarkSideOfTheRing #historychannel #skinwalkerranch #vicetv #wowsuperheroes #womenofwrestling #YouTube #NWAPOWERRR #RIPAlexTrebek #jeopardy #LMAD #letsmakeadeal #tpir #cbs #thepriceisright
New episode list of my shows for May 23rd:
#ThePriceisRight this morning on #CBS (may be a repeat) #TPIR
#LetsMakeADeal on #CBS (may be a repeat) #LMAD
#Jeopardy (syndicated) #RIPAlexTrebek
#NWAPowerrr(Surge) on #YouTube this evening and on demand anytime
#WomenofWrestling #WoWSuperHeroes
(Now airing on #VICETV - Check Local Listings)
#JeopardyMasters Series continues on #ABC
The Secret of #SkinwalkerRanch on #HistoryChannel
#WWENXT live on #USANetwork
#usanetwork #WWENXT #historychannel #skinwalkerranch #abc #jeopardymasters #vicetv #wowsuperheroes #womenofwrestling #YouTube #NWAPOWERRR #RIPAlexTrebek #jeopardy #LMAD #letsmakeadeal #tpir #cbs #thepriceisright
#NWAPowerrr(Surge) on #YouTube this evening and on demand anytime
#JeopardyMasters Series continues on #ABC
The Secret of #SkinwalkerRanch on #HistoryChannel
#WWENXT live on #USANetwork
(2 of 2)
#usanetwork #WWENXT #historychannel #skinwalkerranch #abc #jeopardymasters #YouTube #NWAPOWERRR
#NightCourt on #NBC and on demand on #PeacockTV
The Secret of #SkinwalkerRanch on #HistoryChannel
#MajorLeague #Wrestling (#MLW) - #MLWUnderground on #Reelz
#WWENXT live on #USANetwork
The #TonightShow with #JimmyFallon on #NBC #FallonTonight
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#fallontonight #JimmyFallon #tonightshow #usanetwork #WWENXT #reelz #mlwunderground #mlw #wrestling #MajorLeague #historychannel #skinwalkerranch #PeacockTV #nbc #nightcourt
Just returned this book to the library; the author is the excitable scientist from the #skinwalkerranch reality show.
It’s a competent SF book but the pacing is slow for the first 2/3 of the book, it owes a lot to Robert Heinlein and Larry Niven, and there are several typos. Surprised Baen Books missed them, frankly.
Trying out #LibraryThing
#skinwalkerranch #librarything
#NightCourt on #NBC and on demand on #PeacockTV
The Secret of #SkinwalkerRanch on #HistoryChannel
#MajorLeague #Wrestling (#MLW) - #MLWUnderground on #Reelz
#WWENXT presents #NXTSpringBreakin' live on #USANetwork
The #TonightShow with #JimmyFallon on #NBC #FallonTonight
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#fallontonight #JimmyFallon #tonightshow #usanetwork #NXTSpringBreakin #WWENXT #reelz #mlwunderground #mlw #wrestling #MajorLeague #historychannel #skinwalkerranch #PeacockTV #nbc #nightcourt
Last night, watched the #skinwalkerranch season premiere and was gobsmacked to learn that actual scientist Travis was secretly attached to a US govt program investigating UAPs, but couldn’t talk about it last season.
For a pseudoscience show, it sure delivers in the “didn’t see that coming” department.
The Secret of #SkinwalkerRanch (#SeasonPremiere) on #HistoryChannel
#MajorLeague #Wrestling (#MLW) - #MLWUnderground on #Reelz
#WWENXT live on #USANetwork
The #TonightShow with #JimmyFallon on #NBC #FallonTonight
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#fallontonight #nbc #JimmyFallon #tonightshow #usanetwork #WWENXT #reelz #mlwunderground #mlw #wrestling #MajorLeague #historychannel #seasonpremiere #skinwalkerranch