Heute ist das 2. Szenario des Regelkennenlernens dran: Ein PvP-Modus und gegen Zombies. Wer am Ende die meisten Token hat, gewinnt. Dank einer kleinen lucky Sonderregel für Carl, hat mein Team gewonnen - sein Hut rettete ihn 😁
Weiterhin sind die Regeln gut durchdacht. Und dank der Einführungszenarien wird man gut an alles herangeführt. Jetzt nur noch die Minis bemalen, damit sie unterscheidbar sind 😆
#skirmishgames #TheWalkingDead #miniaturegaming #skirmishgaming
#skirmishgames #thewalkingdead #miniaturegaming #skirmishgaming
Ein neues Skirmish kam heute auf den Tisch: "The Walking Dead: All Out War" 🧟♂️🤠
Für das Regellernen gibt es 2 Mini-Szenarien, mit denen die Spielenden langsam an die Regeln geführt werden. Auf dem Bild ist die Minikarte des 1. Szenarios mit Miniaturen im Nahkontakt mit Zombies um das Kämpfen zu lernen (Koop-Modus). Das 2. Szenario wird ein PvP-Modus haben.
Gefällt uns bisher sehr gut.
Leider hat Mantic letztes Jahr Produktion eingestellt.
#skirmishgames #thewalkingdead
Eldfall Chronicles: Northern Wind is live on #Kickstarter now - become a backer today via our bio link! ——————— #boardgames #skirmishgames #tabletopgames #sponsored https://www.instagram.com/reel/Ct9wn_pAg-3/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon
#kickstarter #boardgames #skirmishgames #tabletopgames #sponsored
Go on an epic adventure featuring deep tactical combat, dungeon crawl, and premium miniatures with @eldfall_chronicles: Northern Wind. Hunt the haunting and save the Empire! Become a backer today via our profile link! -------------- #kickstarter #sponsored #tabletopgame #miniaturesgame #miniatures #crowdfunding #fantasygame #fantasyminiatures #dungeoncrawl #skirmishgames #skirmishwargames #wargaming https://www.instagram.com/p/CtuR8dWNPlm/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon
#kickstarter #sponsored #tabletopgame #miniaturesgame #miniatures #crowdfunding #fantasygame #fantasyminiatures #dungeoncrawl #skirmishgames #skirmishwargames #wargaming
Another curiosity Q for those of you that play #skirmishgames - do you prefer models to have 360" of vision, or 180"?
And that’s me half way with the #Frostgrave warband 😱😱 I’ll need to get my thinking cap on as to what will work for the Alchemical Abomination at this rate.. I do have some spare Chaos Possessed bodies from #Mordheim.. hmmmm….
#TabletopMiniatureGaming #Miniatures #NorthstarFigs #Tabletop #Wargames #SkirmishGames #PaintingMiniatures #MiniPainting #MiniaturePainting #WIP
#frostgrave #Mordheim #tabletopminiaturegaming #miniatures #northstarfigs #tabletop #wargames #skirmishgames #paintingminiatures #minipainting #miniaturepainting #WIP
Learning Castles in the Sky by Eric Farrington from Osprey Games. Been using dice to track stats, but I’ll probably use laminated dashboards instead. It’s all making sense though. 🙂👍 #miniatures #Wargaming #tabletopgames #skirmishgames
#skirmishgames #tabletopgames #wargaming #miniatures
Minis baseadas em edgerunners, prontas pra receberem algumas cores e verem mesa numa jogatina. Criadas por Unit9 e impressas por @natforge@twitter.com
#edgerunners https://instagr.am/p/CmBxZelLvOC/
#edgerunners #cyberpunk2077 #skirmishgames #wargames #warsurge
Nice to have a project w/ a small footprint: warband figures and potential wild animal random encounters fit into two 1.75 liter Really Useful Boxes.
The terrain? Another story.
Time to get the critters all painted and based!
#wargaming #historicalgaming #skirmishgames
Hey all, if you feel like giving Demigod a shot, I set up some community copies so that people can take a looksie - there are 36 available copies right now, but I'll add more as people purchase/review - so I'd love to know what you think!
#wargames #wargaming #skirmishgames
Doing some work on Demigod's first expansion - "The Trials of Herakles". Still very much in Google-Docs form, but this is intended to be a solo campaign that you can take a new or old adventuring party through.
#skirmishgames #wargames #wargaming
Just ordered two fleet packs from
Brigade Models for Castles in the Skies by Eric Farrington and Michael Doscher from Osprey Publishing. Can't wait to try out this dice-heavy tabletop skirmish game. 😃👍
#tabletopgames #skirmishgames
(Photo courtesy of Brigade Models)
Wrote up a little more of an explanation of "what is Demigod?" the other day: https://www.tumblr.com/no-name-games/701295205415043072/what-is-demigod?source=share
#wargaming #wargames #skirmishgames
One of the hoplite "minions" I'm doing for a Demigod adventuring party. Anyone have thoughts on plume colors?