Sketching frenzy! I’ve reached the end of my Mostly-Faces Moleskine book.
#Moleskine #ColouredPencil #Portraits #Sktchy #MuseumBySktchy #Faces
#faces #museumbysktchy #sktchy #portraits #colouredpencil #moleskine
Enjoying my L’oeil mellow hardback watercolour sketchbook. Unlike the Strathmore, the paper in this one is white and doesn’t randomly repel the paint!
#WatercolourPortrait #museumbysktchy #sktchy
I have had questions over the past 10 days about mentioning
#30Faces30Days and #Sktchy In April 2020 I found a 30/30 challenge by - you got 30 different video demos, by various instructors using drawing media and the reference photos they posted. It kept me sane and I kept going.
There is a separate iOs only app called Museum by Sktchy which is FREE and features thousands of members' reference pix plus a place to post your work. My muses are from there.
Penultimate page in my A4 watercolour sketchbook
#watercolour #WatercolourPortrait #Portrait #Sktchy #SktchyPortrait
#sktchyportrait #sktchy #portrait #WatercolourPortrait #watercolour
Inspo from #SktchyApp for #WatercolourWednesday
#WatercolorWednesday #WatercolourPortrait #Sktchy #SktchyMuseum
#sktchymuseum #sktchy #WatercolourPortrait #watercolorwednesday #WatercolourWednesday #sktchyapp
Nog maar een #schetsboek dan. gewoon omdat het kan en omdat ik deze 5-minuten-sessie wel aardig vind
#sktchy #MastoArt #gezicht #kunsttoot #probeersel #arttoot #schetsboek
Kleur en ik, het matcht niet zo. Hoewel deze wel aardig is, vind ik. Dit was een probeersel: foto natekenen zonder je pen te bekijken (dus je ogen volgen een model, je hand volgt je oog. Je oog volgt niet je hand)
Zo veel mogelijk 1 lijn en dan met aquarel op papier en beetje kleur toegevoegd.
Was leuk om te doen, waarom doe ik dat niet vaker, eigenlijk?
#sktchy #probeersel #aquarel #pentekening #schetsboek
I think this is finished. (Yep, I put it off till Sunday again!) This is BIG AL from the Sktchy/Museum app.
The limited palette of Quinacridone Gold, Alizarin Crimson and Payne’s Grey spooked me a bit so I snuck a bit of blue into the background. Tbh I could mess around with putting in more beard detail but I don’t think it would add any interest.
#watercolour #watercolor #WatercolourPortrait #WatercolorPortrait #portrait #WatercolourAndColouredPencil #Sktchy #SktchyApp #SktchyMuseum
#sktchymuseum #sktchyapp #sktchy #watercolourandcolouredpencil #portrait #WatercolorPortrait #WatercolourPortrait #watercolor #watercolour