A sign of a good #game is that I'm still enjoying playing #buttonshygames #uglygryphoninn even though I lost all the 9 games I played today 🤪 due to how the cards came out . I need to decide whether to continue playing or try #rove or #skullsofsedlec #boardgames #sologames
#game #buttonshygames #uglygryphoninn #rove #skullsofsedlec #boardgames #sologames
Happy post yesterday my #buttonshy #boardgames order arrived can't wait to suck at playing #rove #skullsofsedlec and #uglygryphoninn And am really happy with the customer service from #buttonshy as one of the wallets inside was torn and they're sending me a new one #sologames
#buttonshy #boardgames #rove #skullsofsedlec #uglygryphoninn #sologames
There was time for a quick solo game of #SkullsofSedlec before dinner this evening.
I used the Monstrance expansion (required to play solo) and one of the Valentine’s features from the Holiday expansion (despite the fact I despise Valentine’s Day).
This game keeps surprising me with its replay value. The different combinations of features and scoring restrictions make the puzzle different each time I play, and the theme is fantastic. #BoardGames #ButtonShy #ButtonShyGames
#skullsofsedlec #boardgames #buttonshy #buttonshygames
I had a relaxing ten minute game of #SkullsOfSedlec over lunch. I have to say I’m enjoying this game way more than I thought I would. The puzzle aspects are tougher than they look, and the solo Monstrance expansion is nicely variable. It’s also probably the quickest game to play in my collection, which makes it perfect to use as a de-stressing game during a spare few minutes. #BoardGames #ButtonShy
#skullsofsedlec #boardgames #buttonshy
I had a relaxing ten minute game of #SkullsOfSedlec over lunch. I have to say I’m enjoying this game way more than I thought I would. The puzzle aspects are tougher than they look, and the solo Monstrance expansion is nicely variable. It’s also probably the quickest game to play in my collection, which makes it perfect to use as a de-stressing game during a spare few minutes. #BoardGames
I had a go at #ButtonShy wallet game #SkullsofSedlec today. I played solo (you need an expansion) and also used a feature card from the Holiday expansion. I bought the game because I liked the theme; I wasn’t sure the gameplay would be for me as I find the idea constructing two different designs in the solo game messy. I enjoyed it more than I thought I would, and I found it nicely challenging. It will need a few more plays before I decide whether it will stay in my collection. #BoardGames
#buttonshy #skullsofsedlec #boardgames