Makin progress on the bleepblorps… or am I. It’s a hot mess but it’s *my* hot mess so I’m into it 🤘🏼👹🤘🏼
#MakeNoise #strega #0coast #bleepblorp #skulpt
#makenoise #strega #0coast #bleepblorp #skulpt
Searching for #WASM made me think of #Python in the browser
Which led to #PyScript, #Brython, and #Skulpt
Which led to this treasure trove:
"Pure Python Web Application Development - NO CSS, HTML, or Javascript needed or wanted! | thee brane ov….
This guide is designed to help you find a pure Python web application development solution fast. If you want theory, see the "Theoretical Introduction" section below. Otherwise just jump right to the…"
#wasm #python #Pyscript #brython #skulpt