Today is a good time to announce that I'm working on a GSoC project this summer! 🎉️
Google Summer of Code is a program from Google that sponsors students to work on open source projects during the summer months.
My project is called "Improving SDF support in Icarus Verilog" and I will explain what it is about in the following posts. But just as a heads up: it has to do with chip design.
Waveform Generator ACCEPTED for MPW-7! 🎉
I finally got the news that one of my projects, a digital waveform generator, was accepted into the 7th Google-sponsored shuttle run for SKY130.
I will get the actual chips back in a couple of months and can't wait to test them!
Here is the list of projects on this run, you can find the Waveform Generator under Location E7, Slot 33:
Waveform Generator ACCEPTED for MPW-7! 🎉
I finally got the news that one of my projects, a digital waveform generator, was accepted into the 7th Google-sponsored shuttle run for SKY130.
I will get the actual chips back in a couple of months and can't wait to test them!
Here is the list of projects on this run, you can find the Waveform Generator under Location E7, Slot 33:
Answers to the #quiz Q2: almost 5GHz (post-layout simulation),
and to the #quiz Q3: it's incredible, but e.g. Pentium 4 or the first AMDs' 64-bit x86 processors were# manufactured in 130nm (SOI) technology
#quiz #sky130 #vlsi #oshw #magic #xschem #ngspice
Odpověď na #quiz Q2: skoro 5GHz (post-layout simulace 🙂 )
a na #quiz Q3: je to neuvěřitelné (že už je to skoro 20 let), ale na 130 nm (SOI) se vyráběly třeba procesory Pentium 4 nebo první 64-bitové x86 procesory AMD 🙂
#quiz #sky130 #vlsi #oshw #magic #xschem #ngspice
Answer to the #quiz Q1: 3-stage, 8-transistor ring oscillator in 130nm (150nm) #sky130 technology node.
Such a simple circuit has many applications: #TRNG, #PUF, or wafer/process characterization.
The 130nm technology node was cutting edge 20 years ago. Do you think it's much slower than the recent few nm technology nodes?
#quiz Q2: how fast it oscillates?
#quiz Q3: Do you remember any high-end chips manufactured in a comparable technology node?
#quiz #sky130 #trng #puf #vlsi #oshw #magic #xschem
Odpověď na #quiz Q1 z
@belohoub/109360822459034932: layout 3-stupňového kruhového oscilátoru z 8 transistorů ve 130nm (resp. 150nm) technologii #sky130.
I takový jednoduchý obvod má mnoho aplikací: #TRNG, #PUF a třeba charakterizace procesu/waferu.
130nm byla "pokročilá technologie" asi před 20 lety ...
#quiz Q2: jak rychle myslíte, že tento oscilátor bude oscilovat?
#quiz Q3: pamatujete si nějaké zajímavé výkonné čipy vyráběné v podobné technologii?
#quiz #sky130 #trng #puf #vlsi #oshw #magic #xschem
Na #FIT #CVUT se můžete - máte-li zájem - potkávat i s #hardware.
V sobotu jsem uchazečům, kteří přišli do laboratoře na #KIB dal malý #quiz: Q1): Co je na obrázku? A dokázali byste popsat funkci nebo nakreslit schema?
Odpověď a Q2 si nechám na zítra 😉
A simple #quiz for visitors of the #KIB lab at #FIT #CTU on Saturday: Q1) What is in the picture? Are you able to describe the circuits' function or draw a schematic?
The answer and Q2 tomorrow 😉
#fit #cvut #hardware #kib #quiz #ctu #sky130 #vlsi #oshw
My how-to guide on 3D-printing standard cells from the Open-source SKY130 PDK. Thanks to and his fantastic Zero-to-ASIC course and for the modified gdsiistl. #sky130
Hi everyone! This is my very first toot :)
I would like to take the opportunity to present one of my latest projects:
A generic waveform generator implemented as an ASIC using the open source SKY130 PDK. With a bit of luck, this will be fabricated in the MPW-7 Shuttle through the Open MPW Program.
Development repository:
ASIC implementation:
Project submission: