Wie genießen hier jetzt noch ein wenig Feuerwerk und Sterne und verabschieden uns derweil in den Feierabend.
Wir treffen uns morgen wieder in #EDTK an Bord der #unicornlines
#edtk #unicornlines #skydiving #skydivepilot
"What's the difference between a skydiver and a golfer? The golfer goes whack! Well damn!"
#Skydiving #ParachuteMobile #HamRadio #AmateurRadio #LifeAtTerminalVelocity #KD9OLN #YouTube
#skydiving #parachutemobile #HamRadio #AmateurRadio #lifeatterminalvelocity #kd9oln #youtube
'What's the hardest part about skydiving? The ground.'
"The fifth #ParachuteMobile jump of the 2023 #skydiving season!"
#parachutemobile #skydiving #AmateurRadio #HamRadio #kd9oln #rochelle #illinois
What are your thoughts on #SkyDiving? #SkyDive #SkiDiver #Poll #Survey
#skydiving #skydive #skidiver #poll #survey
https://www.eucup.com/296353/ Keane, Neville & Carra go SKYDIVING!! 🪂🤯 | The Overlap ON TOUR! #abseil #abseiling #Anfield #Beattles #EplOther1920 #football #FootballLeague #GaryNeville #JamieCarragher #Liverpool #OverlapEpisode4 #OverlapFinalEpisode #OverlapFunny #OverlapFunnyToday #OverlapOnTour #OverlapSkydiving #PremierLeague #PremierLeagueHighlights #RoyKeane #Sky #SkySports #SkySportsFootball #SkySportsLive #skydiving #Sports #stream #TheBeatles #TheOverlap #TheOverlapOnTour #video #vlog #YouTube
#abseil #abseiling #anfield #beattles #eplother1920 #football #footballleague #garyneville #jamiecarragher #liverpool #overlapepisode4 #overlapfinalepisode #overlapfunny #overlapfunnytoday #overlapontour #overlapskydiving #premierleague #premierleaguehighlights #roykeane #sky #skysports #skysportsfootball #skysportslive #skydiving #sports #stream #thebeatles #theoverlap #theoverlapontour #video #vlog #youtube
Global News BC: B.C. great grandmother celebrates 99th birthday skydiving with great grandson https://globalnews.ca/news/9808597/skydiving-great-grandmother-birthday/ #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #skydivinggreatgrandmother #Great-grandmother #interestinglife #skydivingfamily #skydivingsenior #luciekoenig #Lifestyle #Skydiving #Birthday #Family #nofear #Senior
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #skydivinggreatgrandmother #Great #interestinglife #skydivingfamily #skydivingsenior #luciekoenig #lifestyle #skydiving #birthday #family #nofear #senior
Man goes #skydiving with a #cardboard sign asking for #work. His new #boss responded the same way.
#skydiving #cardboard #work #boss
And here's a photo of the landing.
When I did CF, we wouldn't go below 6000 feet - so I'm _very impressed_ by these two!
Unexpected bit of canopy formation above the village cricket pitch this evening. They landed it too!
Makes me wish I was still jumping :-/
Yesterday, I went tandem #skydiving for the first time in my life and the adrenalin rush during the freefall was quite something. I absolutely loved every second of the experience. 😍
Britten-Norman BN-2A Islander Designed as a simple, rugged air taxi, the Islander has been immensely successful, serving small communities in remote corners of the world. It was also a favourite of parachute/skydiving clubs. Indeed, this example (built in 1977) was utilised in this role in both Germany and Scotland. Donated to the National Museum of Flight at East Fortune, Scotland by Cormack Aircraft Services Ltd, it has been painted to represent an Islander of the Scottish Ambulance Service #aircraft #BrittenNorman #Islander #ScottishAmbulanceService #airambulance #BN2 #aviation #avgeeks #airtaxi #NationalMuseumofFlight #EastFortune #Scotland #skydiving #parachutists #CormackAircraftServices
#aircraft #brittennorman #islander #scottishambulanceservice #airambulance #bn2 #aviation #avgeeks #airtaxi #nationalmuseumofflight #eastfortune #scotland #skydiving #parachutists #cormackaircraftservices
If you ever thought you should go sky diving, you should.
Life is short however, we have choices. We can make it a great day or not! Do things that push you or your boundaries (Personally, I love #skydiving). Few love it but you get the point. Never think your aren’t worth it & forget about those who don’t have your back. Life was given to explore, meet others.So many #opportunities, so DON’T waste it. ❤️ #Give back by #Volunteering or make it known your available! NOTE: #LOVE YOU all & don’t need to know you. #Love is reciprocal. Give to get!!
#skydiving #opportunities #give #volunteering #love
Had a great time at ParacleteXP for indoor nationals. Well run and a lot of fun! #skydiving #windTunnel https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B4s0o_rnSlg
I miss skydiving. Saw a load land near Mossel Bay. One landed on the beach.
#skydive #skydiving #skydivemosselbay
#skydive #skydiving #skydivemosselbay
The have a live feed of the 2023 Indoor Skydiving Nationals (I’m competing in the advanced class as part of Paragon)😄 #skydiving #windTunnel https://livestream.com/paracletexp/events/10142899
I added the photo from the article below, but this was a text from my super cool brother to the sibling chat this morning. Attached is an older article for those interested. #skydiving #worldrecord https://www.skydivemag.com/new/the-400-way-story/