Suzuki 夥拍 SkyDrive 明年起攜手生產飛行車
雖然日本的民航機夢想隨著三菱重工 SpaceJet 項目結束而終結,但仍然有其他日本企業在努力研發各類飛行裝置,早前我們報導過本田將會推出 11 座位商用輕型噴射機,現在有消息指另一車廠集團鈴木(Suzuki)將會在明年生產飛行車。
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The @VTOLsociety's Electric VTOL News, Dec. 5, 2022:
#ArcherAviation achieves transition flight, #SkyDrive secures orders for SD-05, and #Airbus details work on #hydrogen #aviation. These stories and more in the latest edition of The #ElectricVTOL News!
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The @VTOLsociety's Electric VTOL News, Dec. 6, 2022:
#ArcherAviation achieves transition flight, #SkyDrive secures orders for SD-05, and #Airbus details work on #hydrogen #aviation. These stories and more in the latest edition of The #ElectricVTOL News!
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