@MediaActivist That's a really interesting piece to read; thoughtfully considered & written by its author. Ta for posting it.
I have so many thoughts, & so much sadness [+ frustration & anger] each time i contemplate this awful attitude of the #RWNJs & #ChristoFascists towards the #LGBTQI community, & especially we "monster du jour" #Trans peeps. For all the mentions in that [& similar] article/s of "conservative intellectuals", one glaring thought recurs to me...
HOW does a man loving a man, woman loving a woman, suppressed #Trans peep finally accepting their truth & deciding to emerge, hurt THEM [the conservatives]? Honest to dog, someone pls sit me down & explain to me in simple words coz clearly i'm too dumb, exactly specifically & precisely how *other* peeps finding *their* happiness, adversely impacts IN ANY WAY the daily lives of conservatives? 🤷♀️ 🤦♀️
If the only way they can defend their hatred & violence is religion-based, then they lose the argument [any defence predicated on fictitious bullshit is worth even less than the papyrus it's written on]. IMO there seems to be a strong correlation between #skyfairy delusions & anti-queer attitudes... yet another way that the invention of #religion has been & remains one of humans' most toxically destructive errors.
If they insist, as so many deceitfully do, that they're simply "protecting the children", then they need to explain & justify. Do they seriously intend to keep prosecuting a fatuous argument that "gayness" or "transness" might be caught by their kids like a cold... or like Covid19 😜 ?
Ofc, i entirely recognise the naivety & impotence of my position. There's not much good in winning an argument with logic empathy & decency, if the opposing side has the political numbers to marginalise, ostracise, & punish you, &/or the untrammelled violence & inhumanity to murder you.
#rwnjs #ChristoFascists #lgbtqi #trans #skyfairy #religion
This absolutely disgusts me.
I do not want #ChristoFascist #GodBotherer #PaedoHiding #SkyFairy believers having reserved seats in ANY part of our UK legislature! 👇
#skyfairy #paedohiding #godbotherer #christofascist #Coronation #ukpolitics #uk
👆 The topic* only has complexity if one gives even the slightest smidgen of credibility to anything #SkyFairy-related; so, for me, it has no complexity at all.
(* I mean the religion/clothes bit rather than my original which was racism.)
Yeah, screw that #SkyFairy / #Jeebus sh:t even more than the #Santa sh:t...
Tea and these 👇 are getting me through one of the worst concepts ever: birthdays for non-existent-#SkyFairy #FcukTrophies (yes, pregnant through her *ear* we're supposed to believe... = why nuns wear wimples; the Bibble** sexualised ears!)
(**Correct spelling.) 👇
@DeathBecumsMe I can't believe people still believe in a sky fairy in 2022. It annoys me.