The month of February has one more Valentine’s Day MMORPG event to add to the list: the one from Skyforge, which is bringing back some of the game’s prior event quests while adding some new cosmetic rewards for players to look forward to. #Skyforge
Skyforge celebrates Valentine’s Day with returning quests and new cosmetics #Skyforge
With the new year, it’s probably time to touch base with the fantasy/sci-fi hybrid Skyforge — especially following the game’s parent company being sold off last fall. #Skyforge
Oh my fucking gods. Please quit giving me the territory directive for that planet. Or at least boost % compleated for doing tasks there.
Channel J: Platinum Games
This is mostly my way of reminding everyone that I still write about video games.
#Videogames #AntiquiaLost #ChannelJ #CostumeQuest #Faery:LegendsofAvalon #FinalFantasyXIII #FinalFantasyXIV:ARealmReborn #GemsofWar #LastRebellion #RainbowMoon #Skyforge #Spyro3:YearoftheDragon #TheTenthLine
#costumequest #faery #finalfantasyxiii #finalfantasyxiv #gemsofwar #lastrebellion #Spyro3 #skyforge #videogames #AntiquiaLost #ChannelJ #RainbowMoon #TheTenthLine
Channel J: Platinum Games
This is mostly my way of reminding everyone that I still write about video games.
#Videogames #AntiquiaLost #ChannelJ #CostumeQuest #Faery:LegendsofAvalon #FinalFantasyXIII #FinalFantasyXIV:ARealmReborn #GemsofWar #LastRebellion #RainbowMoon #Skyforge #Spyro3:YearoftheDragon #TheTenthLine
#costumequest #faery #finalfantasyxiii #finalfantasyxiv #gemsofwar #lastrebellion #Spyro3 #skyforge #videogames #AntiquiaLost #ChannelJ #RainbowMoon #TheTenthLine
When you haven't played a game for like 8 months and have forgotten all the controls and what you were even doing when you stopped. #Skyforge