11 de Julio de 1979 tras 6 años de misión en el espacio la estación espacial estadounidense Skylab cae sobre territorio australiano. Por este hecho la NASA fue sancionada por las autoridades australianas por arrojar basura a la vía pública. #Efemerides #USA #Australia #NASA #skylab #space #history #historia
#historia #history #space #skylab #NASA #Australia #USA #efemerides
50 years ago today the first crew visiting - and reparing ... and using - the #Skylab space station returned safely to Earth: news clippings at https://www.facebook.com/groups/thespaceage/posts/6395795913820953/ (with tons of earlier ones in https://www.facebook.com/groups/1113118682088729/).
50 years ago #OTD the first crew - https://twitter.com/QuestQuarterly/status/1661792769273389056 - launched to the damaged new U.S. space station #Skylab: https://www.nasa.gov/feature/skylab-2-we-can-fix-anything/. And got it repaired: https://www.nasa.gov/feature/skylab-2-mission-accomplished. A short video: https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=785828413235950. Some news clippings: https://www.facebook.com/groups/thespaceage/posts/6296643597069519/ and https://www.facebook.com/groups/thespaceage/posts/6300735713326974/. And more memories: https://www.facebook.com/kscosmosphere/posts/pfbid02GGr2xtEWaeotwQPmmy3scT52uDiqbmHGtTgkFWRJcTHaxEJbN8svb619yBBWRWrPl and https://www.facebook.com/groups/spacehipsters/posts/6479028788808616/ and https://www.facebook.com/groups/thespaceage/posts/6300733799993832/
50 years ago #OTD the first crew - https://twitter.com/QuestQuarterly/status/1661792769273389056 - launched to the damaged new U.S. space station #Skylab: https://www.nasa.gov/feature/skylab-2-we-can-fix-anything/. And got it repaired: https://www.nasa.gov/feature/skylab-2-mission-accomplished. A short video: https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=785828413235950. Some news clippings: https://www.facebook.com/groups/thespaceage/posts/6296643597069519/. And more memories: https://www.facebook.com/kscosmosphere/posts/pfbid02GGr2xtEWaeotwQPmmy3scT52uDiqbmHGtTgkFWRJcTHaxEJbN8svb619yBBWRWrPl and https://www.facebook.com/groups/spacehipsters/posts/6479028788808616/
50 years ago #OTD the first crew launched to the damaged new U.S. space station #Skylab: https://www.nasa.gov/feature/skylab-2-we-can-fix-anything/. And got it repaired: https://www.nasa.gov/feature/skylab-2-mission-accomplished. A short video: https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=785828413235950. Some news clippings: https://www.facebook.com/groups/thespaceage/posts/6296643597069519/. And more memories: https://www.facebook.com/kscosmosphere/posts/pfbid02GGr2xtEWaeotwQPmmy3scT52uDiqbmHGtTgkFWRJcTHaxEJbN8svb619yBBWRWrPl and https://www.facebook.com/groups/spacehipsters/posts/6479028788808616/
50 years ago #OTD the first crew launched to the damaged new U.S. space station #Skylab: https://www.nasa.gov/feature/skylab-2-we-can-fix-anything/. And got it repaired: https://www.nasa.gov/feature/skylab-2-mission-accomplished. A short video: https://www.facebook.com/groups/thespaceage/posts/6296643597069519/. Some news clippings: https://www.facebook.com/groups/thespaceage/posts/6296643597069519/. And more memories: https://www.facebook.com/kscosmosphere/posts/pfbid02GGr2xtEWaeotwQPmmy3scT52uDiqbmHGtTgkFWRJcTHaxEJbN8svb619yBBWRWrPl and https://www.facebook.com/groups/spacehipsters/posts/6479028788808616/
OTD in 1973, the first #Skylab crew lifted off. I blame Skylab, Star Trek, and the Shuttle program (roughly in that order) for my enduring but completely unrequited love for space flight. https://www.nasaspaceflight.com/2023/05/skylab-at-50/
The early #Skylab drama is the second-oldest space event (after the return of Apollo 17) I remember following with interest ... at the age of 8. The news clippings from the first days after the station's problematic launch in https://www.facebook.com/groups/thespaceage/posts/6262637557136790/ and https://www.facebook.com/groups/thespaceage/posts/6271434039590475/ bring those memories alive.
It's been 5 years since the launch of the last Saturn V rocket which took the Skylab Station to orbit. To celebrate the #skylab50 anniversary here is an interview with Apollo capcom, Skylab3 and STS3 astronaut Jack Lousma
#skylab50 #Astrodon #space #apollo #skylab #podcast
Colección especial. 222 documentos (2.4 GB). Estación Espacial Skylab
Hoy añado a la carpeta de la Estación Espacial Skylab, todos los documentos de los que disponía en el almacén, haciendo un total de 222. Están ordenados por tipo de documentos y por misión. Enjoy!
#skylab #coleccion #especial #saturnv
Damage to #Skylab was even worse than #NASA had first estimated.
Temperatures inside the crippled lab were over 130F (55C) inside the lab, due to multiple shields being ripped away or not deploying. Electrical power was at a trickle from secondary solar arrays.
The first attempt to repair the lab was a remarkable and dangerous misadventure for Pete Conrad, Joe Kerwin, and Paul Weitz. They did finally manage to cool the vessel down and get electrical power to usable levels, as detailed in "‘Tally-Ho the Skylab’: The Mission to Save America’s Space Station, 45 Years On":
Space trivia of the day:
On May 14, 1973, Watergate was heating up, the Vietnam war seemed to be winding down, and Skylab was launched on top of the final Saturn V, seemingly without incident.
Except an anomalous transient was recorded at around 63 seconds into the flight, just after passing Mach 1.
The transient was the result of airflow entering under the shroud protecting Skylab from the atmosphere. This caused significant damage to Skylab, including the loss of the meteoroid shield and one of two primary solar panel arrays, plus serious debris buildup around the other.
It is remarkable that the entire lab was not lost, nor the Saturn V. But Skylab was crippled, underpowered because the second solar array failed to deploy, and overheated due to the missing shield.
It would take 3 highly risky manned missions to finally get Skylab into working order.
#Politico 📆 11/02/2022 #SpaceRescue : Don’t count on being #rescued — by #NASA or the #SpaceForce, or even the company that built your private #spaceship.
#Seafaring ⛵ explorers traditionally sailed with #additional #ships, #Apollo missions included #redundant capsules that proved crucial in #saving the #Apollo13 astronauts. #Skylab had #rescue #rockets and #spacecraft on #standby for in-#orbit #emergencies
#SpaceRescueService #redundancy #Soyuz #ISS #international #cooperation
Picture : The #SpaceForce #rescue team 😜. Based on https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Stephen_Colbert_and_Steve_Carell_MFF_2014.jpg For those who didn't get the joke : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Space_Force_(TV_series)#Premise
#politico #spacerescue #rescued #NASA #spaceforce #spaceship #seafaring #additional #ships #Apollo #redundant #saving #apollo13 #skylab #rescue #rockets #spacecraft #standby #orbit #emergencies #spacerescueservice #redundancy #soyuz #iss #international #cooperation #humanspaceflightsecurity #stevecarell
Scientist-astronaut Owen K. Garriott, Skylab 3 science pilot, looks at the camera as he participates in the Aug. 6, 1973 extravehicular activity
Currently uploading hundreds of pics from #Skylab