I'm pissed at now, so it's time to find ways to undermine it out of spite.

So what's the move? Set all my dependencies to urls? Is still a thing? Start using instead of ?

#webdev #node #npmpjs #javascript #nodejs #deno #skypack #esmodule #npm

Last updated 1 year ago

ar.al๐ŸŒป · @aral
21222 followers · 19353 posts · Server mastodon.ar.al

Finally found the time to open a discussion on the Snowpack forums about the lack of subresource integrity (SRI) in Skypack: github.com/snowpackjs/snowpack

(Background: my post from the end of last year titled Skypack: backdoor as a Service? ar.al/2020/12/30/skypack-backd)

#privacy #security #sri #subresourceintegrity #Snowpack #skypack

Last updated 4 years ago

ar.al๐ŸŒป · @aral
21222 followers · 19353 posts · Server mastodon.ar.al

โ€œIf I were In-Q-Tel right now, Iโ€™d be drooling as I wrote a check with lots of zeros in it for the Skypack folks because widespread use of Skypack would be any national security agencyโ€™s wet dream. Imagine being able to inject any code into any web application at any time to obtain login credentials, etc.

This isnโ€™t even a backdoor. This is a wide open frontdoor. Itโ€™s basically Backdoor as a Service.โ€


#privacy #security #cdn #Snowpack #skypack

Last updated 4 years ago