eGlass: Bildschirm- & Kamerasystem schafft Durchblick für den Hybridunterricht
Sollen Menschen vor Ort und in der Ferne gleichzeitig erreicht werden, müssen sich Vortragende oft gefühlt zerreißen. Das eGlass-System setzt genau hier an.
#digitalisierung #kamera #skype #microsoftteams #news
Funny thing - when ever I've updated #skype it asks me to log in again.
But if I just cancel the login and start the app, I'm logged in.
just tried to update my outgoing #skype voicemail (to tell people to please email me instead) & discovered they discontinued the ability to have your own voicemail message 5 years ago.
🇺🇸 Secondo 404 Media, una vulnerabilità dell'app mobile di Skype espone gli indirizzi IP degli utenti agli attacchi hacker.
Sembra che Microsoft, consapevole del problema, stia tardando nel trovare una soluzione efficace.
Hackers can obtain a user's IP address by sending a link via the #Skype mobile app, potentially revealing their physical location. Microsoft was informed of the vulnerability, but only committed to issuing a patch after media attention.
Hackers Can Silently Grab Your #IP Through #Skype. #Microsoft Is In No Rush to Fix It
An #ITsecurity researcher has found it’s possible to reveal a Skype app user’s #IPaddress without the target needing to even click a link. Microsoft said the #vulnerability does not need immediate attention. #noclick #itsec #doxxing
#ip #skype #microsoft #itsecurity #ipaddress #vulnerability #noclick #itsec #doxxing
#Skype: una pericolosa falla svela l'indirizzo IP ma per Microsoft non è così grave
Skype Security Vulnerability Could Leak Your IP Address
Check it out! 👇
I mean, why it may not be a "security vulnerability" in Microsoft's eyes, it's still not generally great practice to just let IP addresses just be exposed to everybody.
A Skype app vulnerability could expose your IP address to hackers — and Microsoft has yet to fix it
#Skype #Vulnerability #IPAddress #Hackers #Microsoft #InfoSec #Security #TechNews
#skype #vulnerability #ipaddress #hackers #microsoft #infosec #security #technews
SecurityAffairs: Attackers can discover IP address by sending a link over the Skype mobile app #informationsecuritynews #ITInformationSecurity #PierluigiPaganini #SecurityAffairs #Skypemobileapp #BreakingNews #SecurityNews #hackingnews #DigitalID #Hacking #Skype
#informationsecuritynews #itinformationsecurity #pierluigipaganini #securityaffairs #skypemobileapp #breakingnews #securitynews #hackingnews #digitalid #hacking #skype
*Snickers loudly* Just another nail in the coffin of that old dinosaur called #Skype #Microsoft what is it with you and shitty #security practices lately?
📬 Skype-Sicherheitslücke ermöglicht Ausspähung von IP-Adressen
#Cyberangriffe #Datenschutz #Kurznotiert #CooperQuintin #electronicfrontierfoundation #IPAdresse #Microsoft #Sicherheitslücke #Skype #SkypeSicherheitslücke #Yossi
#cyberangriffe #datenschutz #kurznotiert #cooperquintin #electronicfrontierfoundation #ipadresse #microsoft #sicherheitslucke #skype #skypesicherheitslucke #yossi
Die haben doch Lack gesoffen.
Kann denen mal irgendwer in den Allerwertesten treten?
#rekruting #skype #arbeitsagentur
画像生成AI「Bing Image Creator」に対応した「Skype 8.101」の展開が開始/チャット内でAIにお願いして、絵を描いてもらえる
#forest_watch_impress #Skype #genai #文章生成 #インターネット #SNS_コミュニティ #Windows #Mac #Linux #Android #iOS #Webサービス #在宅ワーク
#forest_watch_impress #skype #genai #文章生成 #インターネット #sns_コミュニティ #windows #mac #linux #android #ios #webサービス #在宅ワーク
Bin gerade beim #kraftfuttermischwerk über dieses Video gestolpert, das eindeutig den Freitag in meiner aktuellen Firma darstellen soll. Aufgrund der vielen Besprechungen habe ich ihn den #fusselfreitag getauft.
#telko #telco #telefonkonferenz #zoom #teams #skype #besprechung #besprechungsmarathon #zeitverschwendung
#kraftfuttermischwerk #fusselfreitag #telko #telco #telefonkonferenz #zoom #teams #skype #besprechung #besprechungsmarathon #zeitverschwendung
🌟 Инновации в #Skype, диалог с самим собой! Уже знакомый паттерн из разных мессенджеров для быстрого сохранения заметок на будущее.
Сделан, в духе #Microsoft, через задницу.
Для начала, он в разделе Favorites (Избранное). Если щёлкнуть по нему правой кнопкой, всплывает меню с разными действиями, среди которых… "Add to favorites" (добавить в избранное).
Так он в избранном или нет? Интерфейс однозначного ответа не даёт.
Но что хуже, убрать его оттуда тоже не даёт.
В этом же меню пункт "Hide conversation" (скрыть беседу)… ага, тоже ничего не делает.
Service-Toot: Die Messenger-Matrix wurde aktualisiert. Die Empfehlung für Threema wurde angepasst, nachdem nun ein formaler Sicherheitsaudit für das Krypto-Protokoll vorliegt.
#messenger #briar #conversations #deltachat #discord #element #imessage #jami #signal #simplex #siskin #skype #telegram #threema #atox #whatsapp #wire #xmpp #matrix
#messenger #briar #conversations #deltachat #discord #element #imessage #jami #signal #simplex #siskin #skype #telegram #threema #aTox #whatsapp #wire #xmpp #matrix