I will not be surprised when Bethesda modding community announces how they started remaking #Skyrim in #Starfield engine.
#skyrim #starfield #gaming #videogames
I was enjoying Tears of the Kingdom, but then I downloaded the Anniversary Edition content for #Skyrim on my #NintendoSwitch (which is where I play it, yea, basically vanilla) and I fell down a Fus Roh Dah rabbithole, again. I've been really enjoying survival mode, trying to get across the frozen wastes is genuinely intense sometimes. Stock up on fire salts and camping gear.
Between cursing at a few bugs and glitches, my Khajit is becoming the greatest catburglar in all of Tamriel.
I'll get back to TOTK someday soon... Also got my eye on the new Red Dead Redemption port, but I want the physical release. #games
#skyrim #nintendoswitch #games
#Skyrim gezockt ein Lexikon zurück gegeben, 2 daedra quest erledigt, eine mit einem Hund und eine mit einem Stern. 2 Drachen erledigt und ein paar Sachen mehr. Außerdem einige mir unbekannte Gegenstände bekommen. (Ich kenne ja nur die Sachen der Standard Version, Special und Anniversary Edition sind Neuland für mich, ebenso wie Creation Club. Aber es ist überaus spannend zu sehen was es Neues gibt im altbekannten. )
In which Elessir works with a priest of Mara to save Dawnstar from a plague of nightmares; and recovers Rjorn's drum from Halldir's Cairn in Falkreath.
Hatte eigentlich ganz andere Pläne in Himmelsrand, bin dann aber unter anderem in den Abflusshöhlen (ja, die heißen wirklich so) hängen geblieben und habe dort die Erweiterung Forgotten Seasons abgeschlossen. Wirklich empfehlenswert, aber im Survival Mode verdammt knackig. Nehmt jede Menge heißen Eintopf mit und seht zu, dass ihr den Feuermantel-Zauber beherrscht, wenn ihr euch da hinein wagt. Es wird eisig. Essenzen der Stärke sollten auch nicht fehlen. #T3ZblubbertÜberTES #Skyrim #CRPG
#t3zblubbertubertes #skyrim #crpg
I think ultimately, Starfield is a 7/10. It's not a bad game, just not ground breaking.
If I was to rank the last non-FO76 games for #Bethesda I would rank them
1. #Skyrim
2. #FO4
3. #Starfield
I am concerned that Bethesda games are getting worse.
Also I am an unbiased party in ranking FO4, I grew up in Boston so exploring places I have been in real life in a game was special.
#bethesda #skyrim #fo4 #starfield
Ich kann eh nicht mehr schlafen, also bissl #Skyrim daddeln. Hab ja jetzt schließlich Urlaub und Sonntag ist auch noch. Da gönn ich mir Gaming, Snacks und ganz viele Kuscheleinheiten mit den Miezen. ❤️
Also, auf geht's nach Himmelsrand. Alduin und Ulfric mögen tot sein, aber Miraak wartet noch und die Tyrannei der Sonne muss endlich ein Ende finden. Es lebe die Nacht! 🧛♀️
#T3ZblubbertÜberTES #CRPG
#skyrim #t3zblubbertubertes #crpg
Question for other #Skyrim players out there since this has happened to me a few times now and I'm wondering if I'm triggering some sort of funky edge case.
I've got four different playthroughs in progress on my Steam Deck now, and am using Vortex to swap back and forth between them. A couple of times now, I have seen these playthroughs mysteriously set to Master level difficulty, _without my explicitly having done that_. This has happened in my Skyrim Together run, and now also in the modded run I'm doing as Elessir.
I have also seen a potential repro of this on the Switch following putting the AE on it. Kendis' playthrough on that wound up on Master though I THOUGHT I'd started it on Adept.
Anybody seen this behavior on any platform?
Hey y'all, the Mead Hall is going live on #Twitch right now with some drunken Stormcloak shenanigans! Hope to see you all there! Come say hi and hang out with us! 🐉 #PC #ElderScrolls #Skyrim
#Twitch #pc #elderscrolls #skyrim
In which Finds-The-Way helps Falkreath's alchemist with a skooma problem amongst the guards; retrieves a drum from Halldir's Cairn; and gets involved in lifting a curse of Malacath from the Orcs at Largashbur.
Contains German language geekery, particularly involving idiomatic translations in play when you run the Cursed Tribe plot at Largashbur.
#skyrim #AnnaPlaysSkyrim #german
I’m about 2 hours into #Fallout4 for the very first time. After a slow-ish start, I just got my first proper mission, hacked my first terminal and acquired a taste for the machete. I’m a #Skyrim veteran. I think this is going to be okay.
#Gaming #PS4
#ps4 #gaming #skyrim #fallout4
#Skyrim to Lydia with love
This is _mostly_ just interesting to me, but doing a post about it anyway to document the new official load order for my Legacy of the Dragonborn run. In case I run into any issues later that I need to ask for help on, and somebody says to me, "What's your load order?" This'll be the reference source I'll go back to to get that info.
#LegacyOfTheDragonborn #Skyrim #AnnaPlaysSkyrim
#legacyofthedragonborn #skyrim #AnnaPlaysSkyrim
To my vexation, y'all, I'm having to re-do the beginning of Kendeshel's playthrough. I discovered that the mod I was using to give her that lovely hairstyle unfortunately broke the faces of every female Redguard NPC. And that's no damned good. 😛
Anyone familiar with modding Skyrim probably knows about the "black face" bug, right? If you're not familiar with that, it's a thing caused by conflicting mods that both edit NPC data but don't do it smoothly. So the game punts into a weird state for the impacted NPCs and displays their faces wrong. They come out completely black.
#skyrim #legacyofthedragonborn
Ok, this is very cool. During the Bthardamz quest for Peryite, the one with all the Afflicted and the green gase and ooze everywhere, Inigo begins to cough. He continues to cough even after the mission is completed and turned in.
A short time later I have a new conversation option to ask him about it, and then more options to decide how I want to try to help him.
So now I need to bring him to a temple to see if a blessing can cure him! Love it.
In which Elessir recovers stolen books from Fellglow Keep; slays a dragon and dragon priest at Shearpoint; visits the Augur of Dunlain and learns he needs to seek the Staff of Magnus; recovers King Olaf's Verse from Dead Men's Respite; saves the Burning of King Olaf Festival; and slays a bandit chief at Fort Fellhammer.
Finally, Vortex can't resolve mod conflicts at the file level.
Admittedly this isn't something you'll need often but eventually you *will* run into a scenario where "one mod or the other" isn't good enough and you need files from *both* mods to be active.
With Vortex you're playing chicken with instability and gambling on not needing file level conflict resolution.
If you're planning to start modding #Skyrim, just save yourself the trouble and get MO2.