Pretty big update.
I added the #Iridium #acars messages to the site search today.
You can search for just them via the airport feeder ICAO -i. Check the screenshot for an example.
Of course they will show up in organic searches as well.
I will start adding them to #SkyVector and mission codes etc soon as I can.
As usual, you can find out more on my #github
#iridium #acars #skyvector #github
I have been working on and off for a few weeks now filtering #LBand #ACARS messages for any that contain flight plans (#FPN) and then using #javascript to clean them up and convert them into #SkyVector URLs.
Getting better results and its getting amazing!
Classic example this week....
We got this FPN via our bot, then about 1/2 hour latter the aircraft took off and few the exact plan.
We are (for some flights) getting to the point of not just tracking/following, but KNOWING!
#lband #acars #fpn #javascript #skyvector
I'm still tinkering with the 'auto-generation' of #SkyVector URL's from L-Band 'FPN' (Flight plan) ACARS messages.
I saw this one come in and found it interesting in how I have not seen this sort of flight before.
Data via #ADSC from our UK satellite dish.
So it turns out that the #javascript command 'new set' will de-duplicate an array. So I simply had to pass in the #ACARS flight plan waypoint list into that and get out the other end a very clean #SkyVector URL.
Attached is a very long civil flight plan as an example.
Huh. So turns out that the #JavaScript command 'new set' will de-duplicate an array.
So I simply fed my #SkyVector waypoint list from the #ACARS message to it and ta-dah. We now have nice clean waypoint maps URLs.
To build a URL like this flight by hand would have taken 15-20 minutes, now its just a click.
To top it off, I have used #nodered #Telegram node to add the flight plan messages to a bot channel and so they just show up for the user.
Just fantastic to see #flighttracking come together!
#javascript #skyvector #ACARS #nodered #telegram #FlightTracking
Finally figured out how to turn waypoint #ACARS messages into #skyvector URLs yesterday evening.
So we can now take the ACARS in the screenshot here to the map in the screenshot via a simple link on the site.
It should help tracking all sorts of flights a lot quicker and a lot more accurate as its hard to visualize or memorize the 1000's of waypoint names used globally.
I will be rolling it out to the site as soon as I fix a bit of #JavaScript (I still cant program after 7 years!).