Been a while since I've posted #Slacktivist on here.
"Jumping off of Washington’s nose on Mount Rushmore would be fatal. [...] But Bloom did not jump off anything when the band played the Mount Rushmore festival [...] because no band has ever played the Mount Rushmore festival...
...because it does not exist." (emphasis mine)
"Yet [...] fans over the years told Bloom they remembered seeing him make that leap."
#patheos #conspiracytheories #blueoystercult #slacktivist
(Quick sidenote to previous post: Fred Clark (a.k.a. #Slacktivist) brought me there.)
The latest from #FredClark (a.k.a., #Slacktivist) over at #Patheos.
"A school principal and her husband, an electrical engineer, bought a house in the suburbs. That should be unremarkable and boring. It shouldn’t be a pioneering moment in #BlackHistory or a courageous milestone.
But their purchase of that home was greeted by a mass freakout of white people who vandalized their property and engaged in harassment and mob violence for weeks."
#blackhistory #patheos #slacktivist #fredclark
(Resist... urge... to laugh... at... title...)
"Hard work and clean living will lead to riches and success. [...]
The ones who achieved success only managed to do so because they were assisted by older, wealthy, unmarried men who took those boys off the streets and into their homes.
If you think there might be a creepy subtext to that, you’re wrong. It’s not a subtext at all.
Horatio Alger was a pedophile."
#clarencethomas #uspol #patheos #slacktivist
Some lunch time reading from Fred Clark (a.k.a, #Slacktivist) over at #Patheos. Every day I keep remembering that I have this bookmarked for a *reason*.
"There’s no way to distinguish fairly between people who are genuinely fired up about Jesus and people who are performatively On Fire For Jesus™, but a culture that promotes zeal as a value in and of itself creates a lot of pressure to put your piety on display for others."
- Morgan Guyton, "The #Evangelical Zeal for Zeal"
#patheos #slacktivist #evangelical
More from Fred Clark, a.k.a. #Slacktivist, over at #Patheos.
TL;DR (quote):
"At the simplest level, this is the lesson #MisterRogers taught us: That you are precious and special and infinitely loved. And that so is everyone else."
Slightly longer version:
*cracks knuckles, opens #Bible* "'So anyway, in the book of Amos..."
#misterrogers #christianCulture #christianity #bible #patheos #slacktivist
Also leaving this #Slacktivist post here. (I've posted it here once before, but it bears repeating.)
The short version: The Satanic Panic of the 80's and 90's never ended. It's just under a different, more #QAnon shaped name for the new millennium.
#uspolitics #uspol #christianCulture #patheos #qanon #slacktivist
More from #FredClark, a.k.a. #Slacktivist (this one dates from 2021):
"George Marsden, contending with the difficulty of defining a perpetually contended category like 'evangelical,' once joked that an #Evangelical is anyone who likes Billy Graham. In the current usage, [...] #ProgressiveChristian refers to anyone who does *not* like Franklin Graham."
#uspol #christianCulture #patheos #progressivechristian #evangelical #slacktivist #fredclark
Some lunchtime reading from Fred Clark (a.k.a., #Slacktivist).
"Paul Davidson looks at the many biblical stories involving these 'teraphim' — none of which helps us have any clear idea of what exactly they were or how they were used or why. [...]
If you want to see white fundamentalist Christians scurry into furious action, say something like, 'Just because that’s in the Bible doesn’t mean it’s important.' "
#christianCulture #patheos #thebible #slacktivist
More from Fred Clark, a.k.a. #Slacktivist.
"Melvin Quinney, now 74, was convicted in 1991 for a crime that never occurred. [...]
The problem with all of the reporting on Quinney’s exoneration is that it treats the mass hysteria of the Satanic Panic as a closed chapter of the past.
But it never ended. It’s PizzaGate and #QAnon and the 'groomer' panic about drag queens and #Transphobia."
#uspolitics #uspol #christianCulture #patheos #transphobia #qanon #slacktivist
More from Fred Clark, a.k.a., #Slacktivist, over at #Patheos.
"Aaron Renn’s 'Three Worlds of Evangelicalism' continues to be [...] treated as history or sociology or theology instead of what it obviously actually is: a mid-life crisis memoir.
"Gene Veith [...] is completely unconcerned with the fact that these three ['worlds'] just happen to have occurred within Renn’s adult lifetime and to correspond to the stages of it."
#evangelicals #christianCulture #patheos #slacktivist
More from Fred Clark (a.k.a., #Slacktivist) over at #patheos.
"God cares infinitely more about justice and injustice than about any amount of prayer and worship.
That, in a nutshell, is Isaiah’s critique of religion: Seek justice or else it’s all just a waste of time that infuriates God. [...]
'Set the oppressed free … break every yoke' and then the revival you seek will come. [...]
Seek justice. And then."
#bible #christianCulture #patheos #slacktivist
Today's #Slacktivist topic: Clobber texts, the #Bible, and tortur- uh, Enhanced Interrogation™.
"[...] Some time around 2003 white Christians here in America began 'debating' torture.
[...] Alas, none of the hundreds of commandments in the books of Moses include an explicit prohibition on torture. (It may be that people newly freed from scourging bondage in Egypt didn’t need to be reminded that it was bad.)"
#politics #christianCulture #patheos #bible #slacktivist
"Don’t let anybody talk about King’s 'dream' unless they’re willing, first, to talk about making good on the unpaid promissory note.
'I have a dr–' Promissory note.
'One day on the red hills of–' Promissory note.
'Will not be judged by–' P-R-O-M-I-S-S-O-R-Y freakin’ note."
#mlkday #mlk #patheos #slacktivist
I do not believe that the excellent blogger Fred Clark, better known as the #Slacktivist, has made his way to the Fediverse yet.
And since he hasn't, allow me to share my favorite post of his, a timeless classic, a lovely #GhostStory for #FridayThe13th:
#slacktivist #ghoststory #fridaythe13th
Some lunch break reading...
"There’s no way to distinguish fairly between people who are genuinely fired up about #Jesus and people who are performatively On Fire For Jesus™, but a culture that promotes zeal as a value in and of itself creates a lot of pressure to put your piety on display for others."
- Morgan Guyton, "The #Evangelical Zeal for Zeal"
#Slacktivist #Patheos #ChristianCulture
(Oh, and Trademark (™) symbol is mine (but not really 😁 )).
#christianCulture #patheos #slacktivist #evangelical #jesus
Quoted for truth:
"Their conscience will also be telling them that this seems not just awkward or intimidating, but wrong.
'Be bold and courageous for God,' the youth minister will tell them, but they’re not balking out of fear, they’re hesitating out of guilt.
That will, in turn, provoke another crisis of conscience as they wonder what’s wrong with them that makes them feel like right is wrong."
#christianCulture #patheos #slacktivist
Some required reading to go along with my last post.
More #Slacktivist content for your news feed and mine. (Interpretation of #Bible scripture is Fred's, not mine.)
"Picture a remorseful camel wearing burlap and crying out to God for forgiveness.
It’s fair to say that’s a joke. And it’s unfair not to say that’s a good joke. A remorseful camel is funny."