This is a religion that is now suing Newsweek for **reporting on** our #SLAPP, by the way.
The Satanic Temple claimed, with no trace of irony, that it was #defamatory for #Newsweek to report anyone comparing TST to #Scientology.
The claim very predictably failed.
Again: #ScientologyForMallGoths
#slapp #defamatory #newsweek #Scientology #scientologyformallgoths
Thanks for posting. I follow the #maine media sites daily especially for anything health or medical related and haven't seen this yet.
Apparently his mom is a #pediatric #picu doc fired by EMMC.
He's a 15 year old college junior at #umaine #umo
#umaine #umo #maine #pediatric #PICU #northernlight #emmc #bangor #slapp
PiS ujawnia dane wrażliwe aktywistów. By Polacy bali się przeciwstawiać władzy
Władza systemowo karze niepokornych obywateli, ujawniając informacje o nich chronione prawem. Łamiących przepisy nie spotykają żadne kary, nawet jeśli efektem ich działań jest śmierć dziecka. Sprawa ministra Niedzielskiego jest pierwszą, w której władza się ugięła . Z danych zebranych przez w ramach projektu „Na celowniku” wynika, że wykorzystywanie przez państwo chronionych danych wrażliwych przeciwko […]
#Wydarzenia #BartStaszewski #DaneOsobowe #MarikaMatuszak #NaCelowniku #PaniJoanna #SLAPP #UrządOchronyDanychOsobowych #WrażliweDane
#wydarzenia #bartstaszewski #daneosobowe #marikamatuszak #nacelowniku #panijoanna #slapp #urzadochronydanychosobowych #wrazliwedane
A sterling example of why we need federal anti-SLAPP legislation. California has a strong state anti-SLAPP law. Wisconsin does not. #SLAPP
@quad @wolf480pl Yeah, @BNetzA banned that shit and @verbraucherzentrale actively #SLAPP|s #ISPs trying to dark-pattern customers into such bundles.
In fact it's illegal to force customers into such deals and ISPs have to provide customers with all the they can self-setup ahead in time for activation.
And I think that's how ut should be.
Needless to say my ISP refuses to offer any modem that would allow me to even setup the /29 subnet I got.
Κείμενό μου, χρονικό και σχόλιο για τις αγωγές #SLAPP των €3 εκ. από την ΟΝΕΧ, την εταιρία που διαχειρίζεται το ναυπηγείο Σύρου, ενάντια στο
Παρατηρητήριο Ποιότητας Περιβάλλοντος Σύρου, τον Στρ. Ζολώτα, τότε πρόεδρο του ΔΣ, και εμένα προσωπικά, όπως δημοσιεύθηκε στο ανοιξιάτικο τεύχος τού #yusra_magazine:
De strijd tegen SLAPP #DaphneCaruanaGalizia #Persvrijheid #Rechtsstaat #Malta #SLAPP #eu
#daphnecaruanagalizia #persvrijheid #rechtsstaat #malta #slapp #eu
〝CCDH believes the public has a right to know about the spread of hate and misinformation on the social media platforms that shape our lives, culture, and politics.〞
#Twitter #ElonMusk #AlexSpiro #SLAPP #law
#law #slapp #alexspiro #ElonMusk #Twitter
When a car bomb killed Maltese investigative journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia in 2017, Brussels promised action to better protect journalists.
The European Commission last year forwarded a directive to combat strategic lawsuits against public participation (or SLAPPs), which are used to censor and silence public critics.
Her son, Andrew Caruana Galizia, however, says the new anti-SLAPP law would not have helped his mother.
#journalism #mediafreedom #slapp #Malta #EU
#Wikpedia #Portugal #SLAPP #DataProtection #Privacy #FreedomOfExpression: "César de Paço’s lawsuit against the Wikimedia Foundation is an ongoing legal case in Portugal that raises serious concerns about privacy and free expression. We are concerned that this is a strategic lawsuit against public participation (SLAPP) designed to suppress well-sourced public information. We are fighting this case for two reasons: 1) to protect the user data of volunteers contributing to political biographies; and, 2) to set an important precedent protecting the ability to write biographies of living persons."
#wikpedia #portugal #slapp #dataprotection #privacy #freedomofexpression
#Wikipedia is fighting a #SLAPP suit in Portugal where the appeals court seems so keen to rule for the rich plaintiff that it is filling in the arguments he forgot to make!
Quando uma página de Wikipédia é bem sustentada em fontes públicas credíveis nenhum juiz terá problemas em verificar que qualquer acusação de difamação deixa de ter fundamento conseguindo proteger os dados e privacidade dos voluntários que a escreveram.
Ou assim devia de o ser...
#wikipedia #privacidade #censura #slapp
"#HailLuciferTheLightBringer" - a Queer Satanic benefit show at #LeftBankBooks in #Seattle
7 p.m. to 9 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 19, at the #anarchist book store in #PikePlaceMarket
92 Pike St, Seattle, WA 98101
and #MolotovJuicebox are all set to perform
We're also working on having some local artists present, such as #KellyDeanVerity
Proceeds from the benefit fundraiser go to paying the legal defense bills of the #QueerSatanic Heretics, four former members of #TheSatanicTemple who have been sued by #TST for more than three years now in three different courts as part of an ongoing #SLAPP suit designed to exhaust our finances and intimidate other critics of that abusive religious organization into silence.
#hailluciferthelightbringer #leftbankbooks #seattle #Anarchist #pikeplacemarket #hurryupsnuffkin #deadsonics #molotovjuicebox #kellydeanverity #QueerSatanic #thesatanictemple #tst #slapp
Accessibility overlay maker, #AudioEye, sues veteran accessibility consultant Adrian Roselli. Here's more background on the lawsuit and a recent update. #Accessibility #Accessibility4All #DisabilityRights #SLAPP
#AudioEye #accessibility #accessibility4all #disabilityrights #slapp
Shameful. @audioeyeinc, you need to do better. Learn how to listen to the experts and the disability community as a whole. #Accessibility #Accessibility4All #DisabilityRights #DisabilityPrideMonth #AudioEye #SLAPP
#accessibility #accessibility4all #disabilityrights #DisabilityPrideMonth #AudioEye #slapp
ICYMI, @LFLegal wrote up my #AudioEye plight:
AudioEye’s complaint and my (lawyer’s) response:
The post that made AudioEye frowny:
#AudioEye #accessibility #slapp
#SLAPP-Klage von #ICMPD gg
#KidPex und #SOSBalkanroute wegen Kritik an Gefängnis im Flüchtlingslager #Lipa wird am 18.07. um 16 Uhr vor dem Handelsgericht #Wien (Saal 708) verhandelt. Mediale Öffentlichkeit ist die beste Antwort auf Angriffe auf die #Meinungsfreiheit!
(via Twitter v. Maria Windhager)
🔄 erwünscht
#slapp #icmpd #kidpex #sosbalkanroute #lipa #wien #meinungsfreiheit