@wausaupilot Today I heard about the ridiculous against you all by that piece of shit state senator, and I am terribly sorry! It's disgusting that a government official is trying to silence criticism of his abhorrent actions. I wish you all the best.


Last updated 1 year ago

Romary · @Romary
50 followers · 203 posts · Server berlin.social

«Une presse in-dépendante, exigeante, engagée et sincère»

Le magazine scientifique attaqué par le groupe
Soutien à mes amis d'Epsiloon
N'hésitez pas à booster
Et si vous ne l'êtes pas abonnez-vous à cet excellent


#epsiloon #reworldmedia #magazinescientifique #slapp #slappsuit #procedurebaillon

Last updated 1 year ago

Romary · @Romary
48 followers · 199 posts · Server berlin.social

👉 Exceptionnelement accédez aux deux articles de qui ont provoqué la poursuite en justice du média par Hervé Legros

#mediacites #slappsuit #procedurebaillon #slapp #alila

Last updated 1 year ago

Romary · @Romary
48 followers · 198 posts · Server berlin.social

🔴 Les procédures baillon s'enchaîne et deviennent un mode d'attaque de la liberté de la presse. 😬
Cette fois c'est au tour de

👉 C'est à lire ici mediacites.fr/la-fabrique/nati

#mediacites #slapps #slappsuit #procedurebaillon #slapp

Last updated 1 year ago

Romary · @Romary
48 followers · 195 posts · Server berlin.social

🔴 👉 Le est poursuivi en justice par une entreprise pour avoir parlé d'un désastre économique.
Aidons Le Poulpe ce média indispensable


#mediaindependant #lepoulpe #slapps #slappsuit #procedurebaillon

Last updated 1 year ago

Romary · @Romary
35 followers · 157 posts · Server berlin.social
Romary · @Romary
35 followers · 156 posts · Server berlin.social
Queer Satanic · @QueerSatanic
1390 followers · 2158 posts · Server kolektiva.social

Where we are at is that The Satanic Temple claimed in April 2020 to own a Facebook page that had criticized it for failing to live up its stated values; that is, the owners of a Facebook page were not Meta and or the people doing the work of administrating it but the Temple.

Moreover, TST claimed that they were *defamed* by posting news articles and direct statements of things the owners had actually said and done, and that sharing articles by former members talking about their negative experiences with the Temple was slander by us.

Unsurprisingly this failed. The initial (civil) accusations of cybercrimes also failed. The lawsuit was dismissed in February 2021.

The Satanic Temple re-filed in March 2021 and further amended their complaint with some contradictory claims, but also added in the especially farcical accusation that someone who is *not* being sued posting a Facebook comment on the profile of one of the co-defendants with the phrase "The Satanic Temple 2: Electric Boogaloo" was an indicator of intellectual property violations and the desire to set up a "competitor organization"; this second amended complaint continued the suit even after TST appealed to Meta to get control of the page criticizing them and wiping it of all criticism almost a year before in May 2020.

This is a , and the Temple subsequently suing Newsweek for writing about us and then a TikToker for characterizing their suit as a make that point quite clearly, too

You don't need to trust us on this, by the way, but we don't want to get bogged down



#slappsuit #slapp

Last updated 2 years ago

Romary · @Romary
21 followers · 55 posts · Server berlin.social

La cour d'appel de a débouté dans la cadre de sa plainte contre le et le condamne à payer 3000 € de dédommagement

#procedurebaillon #slappsuit #Versailles #vincentbollore #mondediplomatique #slapp #bollore #stopbollore

Last updated 2 years ago