Aujourd'hui on parle de la fin de la trilogie The hanged god de Thilde Kold Holdt avec Slaughtered Gods, et oui, y'a du gros Ragnarök dedans, et ce fût épique.
#MastoLivre #TheHangedGod #ThildeKoldHoldt #SlaughteredGods #LaMythologieCEstSympa
#mastolivre #thehangedgod #thildekoldholdt #slaughteredgods #lamythologiecestsympa
Pour la troisième semaine consécutive je suis sur Slaughtered Gods de Thilde Kold Holdt, j'avance pas vite (période compliquée, tout ça) mais c'est excellent encore une fois.
On attaque le dernier tiers et
#MastoLivre #VendrediLecture #ThildeKoldHoldt #HangedGod #SlaughteredGods
#mastolivre #vendredilecture #thildekoldholdt #hangedgod #slaughteredgods
Bon, c'est pas tout ça mais on a un Ragnarök sur le feu alors c'est parti pour Slaughtered gods de Thilde Kold Holdt, dernier tome de la trilogie The hanged god.
#MastoLivre #VendrediLectureDuSamedi #ThildeKoldHoldt #SlaughteredGods #NouvelleLecture
#mastolivre #vendredilecturedusamedi #thildekoldholdt #slaughteredgods #NouvelleLecture
I'm excited to review Book 1 in The Hanged God Trilogy, Northen Wrath by Thilde Kold Holdt.
A big thank you to the #BlogTour organizer #TheWriteReads and the publisher #SolarisBooks.
#BookRecommendation #bookstodon #booktoot #BookReview #EpicFantasy #NorseMythology #TheHangedGod #NorthernWrath #SlaughteredGods #ShackledFates
#BlogTour #TheWriteReads #solarisbooks #bookrecommendation #bookstodon #booktoot #bookreview #epicfantasy #norsemythology #thehangedgod #northernwrath #slaughteredgods #shackledfates
Today is also my #spotlight stop on the #BlogTour for #SlaughteredGods, book 3 of #TheHangedGod series by #ThildeKoldHoldt!
Check it out:
#TheWriteReads #bookblog #bookblogger #bookcommunity #bookish #bookstodon #book #books
#spotlight #BlogTour #slaughteredgods #thehangedgod #thildekoldholdt #TheWriteReads #bookblog #bookblogger #bookcommunity #bookish #bookstodon #book #books