Kangaroo companies are finally being brought to heel for their inhumane treatment of 's iconic wildlife, by American states product imports. is also discussing a ban across the entire zone.

The "highly " industry finds it completely okay to take a tiny joey and it by it against a truck.

Sadly, so do our . All of them. In fact there are no checks and controls on . They work alone in the dark with no supervision ever.

killed for human consumption and pet food are shot in the bush and can be from 4pm one day until 7am the next. Temperatures at night can stay at over 30 degrees Celsius.

The start their nights buying a case of beer. They drink all night and drive around paddocks, then to a processing plant, up to 150km away in our area, along highways used by .

At foot joeys that escape are left to starve to death. In pouch joeys are killed as described above.

Single kills are rare. An animal that hasn't been killed by a single shot is often in the field, still alive.. The joeys can hear that happening. A single shot is what is required under the code of governing their behaviour.


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Last updated 2 years ago