@PStyleOne1 _ This is so sad. A playground on which Ukranian and Russian children should be playing in harmony and peace, but instead, the young men of those countries huddle on opposite sides attempting to kill one another.
My heart cries for the people of Ukraine.
#slavaukriani #славаукраїні #glorytotheheroes #HeroyamSlava
@ukrdef _ Amazingly, it only took a year for them to come to this brilliant conclusion.
#slavaukriani #славаукраїні #glorytotheheroes #HeroyamSlava
I have not met Brandon yet, but he is an amazing man. If you have a moment, look over his YouTube catalog, give him some likes, consider subscribing... And if you have an extra dollar, consider donating.
Give this a boost if you don't mind.
#nafo #SlavaUkriani #СлаваУкраїні #GloryToTheHeroes #HeróyamSláva
#NAFO #slavaukriani #славаукраїні #glorytotheheroes #HeroyamSlava
@BadGirl 🎉🎉🎉. I made 4 donations to this - #SlavaUkriani #Ukraine #NAFO #nafofellas
#slavaukriani #Ukraine #NAFO #nafofellas
Buddy of mine doing the good work in #Ukraine.
#nafo #SlavaUkriani #СлаваУкраїні #GloryToTheHeroes #HeróyamSláva
#Ukraine #NAFO #slavaukriani #славаукраїні #glorytotheheroes #HeroyamSlava
Even after the defeat of #Ruzzia by #Ukraine, there will remain a serious problem surrounding unexploded ordinance (#UXO).
#nafo #SlavaUkriani #СлаваУкраїні #GloryToTheHeroes #HeróyamSláva
#ruzzia #Ukraine #uxo #NAFO #slavaukriani #славаукраїні #glorytotheheroes #HeroyamSlava
I've #moved instances. It was nice running my own, but not #CostEffective. I can toss some doubloons at the admin here and, assuming other #fellas do the same, we can all have a #GoodExperience at a lower overall cost.
Formerly @knobee@wetworks.org
Currently @Knobee
Anyone copy?
#moved #costeffective #fellas #goodexperience #NAFO #slavaukriani