#InstitutionalRacism goes back a long way, as we all know.
This documentary highlights a number of ways in which #theWest have exploited #fear of #theOther to commit heinous #atrocities, even against their own people.
#slaveCamps #oilBarons #railways #cottonFields #russians #bolshevics #cuba #sugarPlantations #vietnam #racism #islamophobia #bankers #twoParadigmDebate #usVersusThem #badNeighbour #phonyWars #richMansTrick #skullAndBones #piracy
#InstitutionalRacism #theWest #fear #theOther #atrocities #slaveCamps #oilBarons #railways #cottonFields #russians #bolshevics #cuba #sugarPlantations #vietnam #racism #islamophobia #bankers #twoParadigmDebate #usVersusThem #badNeighbour #phonyWars #richMansTrick #skullandbones #piracy
As we all know, #InstitutionalRacism goes back a long way.
This documentary highlights a number of ways in which #theWest have exploited #fear of #theOther to commit heinous #atrocities.
#slaveCamps #oilBarons #railways #cottonFields #russians #bolshevics #cuba #sugarPlantations #vietnam #racism #islamophobia #bankers #twoParadigmDebate #usVersusThem #badNeighbour #phonyWars #richMansTrick #skullAndBones #piracy
#InstitutionalRacism #theWest #fear #theOther #atrocities #slaveCamps #oilBarons #railways #cottonFields #russians #bolshevics #cuba #sugarPlantations #vietnam #racism #islamophobia #bankers #twoParadigmDebate #usVersusThem #badNeighbour #phonyWars #richMansTrick #skullandbones #piracy