#SriLanka "#SlaveLabour bill" threatens to remove 13 pro-labour laws
"The government and the #IMF have made this situation worse by increasing indirect taxes, removing subsidies for working people and promoting harmful #privatisation, without a political mandate. As a result, more than half of all Sri Lankans have reduced their food intake. And half a million families have stopped using electricity.”
#privatization #exploitation #corruption #AbuseOfPower #capitalism #ClassWar #union #unions
#srilanka #slavelabour #imf #privatisation #privatization #exploitation #corruption #abuseofpower #capitalism #classwar #union #unions
Today's Flickr photo with the most hits: these worker's tags, excavated from KZ Dora-Mittelbau - a slave labour camp tasked with construction of V 1 and V2s. The MW logo 'MittelWerke'.
The inmates at Dora-Mittelbau were treated brutally: working 14-hour days, being denied access to basic hygiene, beds, and adequate rations. Around one in three of the roughly 60,000 prisoners who were sent to Dora-Mittelbau died.
#DoraMittelbau #ConcentrationCamp #SlaveLabour #nazis #WorkerTags
#doramittelbau #concentrationcamp #slavelabour #nazis #workertags
International student “exports” really slave labour imports #auspol #education #slavery #slavelabour #internationalstudents
#auspol #education #slavery #slavelabour #internationalstudents
Happy Friday! Today: we're exploring legislation regulating #AI in the #EU, a potential solution to identify #slavelabour in the renewables industry & how a single dose of MDMA transformed a former white supremacist's life. And much #constructivenews👇
#ai #EU #slavelabour #constructivenews
「前人種樹,後人乘涼」"The predecessors plant trees and the descendants enjoy the shade." – #Chinese #proverb
#AsianMastodon #Canada #ChineseHeadTax #ChineseCanadian #ChineseInCanada #racism #prejudice #oppression #SlaveLabour #discrimination #CanadianHistory
#chinese #proverb #asianmastodon #canada #chineseheadtax #chinesecanadian #chineseincanada #racism #prejudice #oppression #slavelabour #discrimination #canadianhistory
What the wealthy #industrialists want is not so much a race wiped out, but they will Stoke that division if it allows them cover while they make money in #slaveLabour and #concentrationCamps, which the #BushCrimeFamily were able to do for example. Their fortunes would go on to support a political dynasty of two presidents.
#industrialists #slavelabour #concentrationcamps #BushCrimeFamily
We heard about this #copaganda project from #LeeCamp a while back and were horrified, tooting about it at the time… and we rarely toot about internal #USA affairs.
It was the fascistic conflence of #BigConstruction, the questionable policing and downright disgusting #slaveLabour (ahem- #prisonSystem), and our distaste for #Hollywood propaganda that compelled us to toot.
As Lee Camp would say, "Keep fighting"!
#copaganda #LeeCamp #usa #BigConstruction #slavelabour #prisonsystem #hollywood
Grant Shapps Gets Owned By Emily Maitlis Over Minimum Service Levels! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1TchuFAShhM #slavelabour
Cheap food and cheap clothes in the UK means untold suffering, somewhere.
#everylittlehelps #slavelabour #tesco
I know it is a luxury, but I would like to use a solar powerbank (to charge for instance a phone, but specifically, an 'Electric Eel Wheel Nano 2' woolspinner), but solar panels mostly come from China, where they may be produced by slave labour in #Xinjiang (#Uyghurs in labour camps).
Does anyone here know of solar powerbanks produced not by slave labour? In Europe, preferably, because that is where I live.
#xinjiang #Uyghurs #solar #powerbank #ForcedLabour #slavelabour
No, really, let's not shop at Tesco:
#SexualAbuse #ChildAbuse #FastFashion #Exploitation #TaxTheRich #ModernSlavery #WorkersRights #HumanRights #SlaveLabour
#slavelabour #humanrights #workersrights #modernslavery #taxtherich #exploitation #fastfashion #childabuse #sexualabuse
Today's Flickr photo with the most hits is a sombre one: the communal wash stand in a ruined prisoner barrack at Dora-Mittelbau. This was a Nazi slave labour camp, where prisoners were worked to death building V2 rockets, in excavated tunnels.
#DoraMittelbau #V2 #rockets #SlaveLabour #nazis #ConcentrationCamp #germany #WWII
#doramittelbau #V2 #rockets #slavelabour #nazis #concentrationcamp #germany #wwii
@bonanzacat I will watch some games, but I am not even close to as excited or invested in this #worldcup as normal due to all the #controversy. #Qatar has bought the right to host and the stadiums have been built on the back of #slavelabour and #humanrightsabuses.
#humanrightsabuses #slavelabour #qatar #controversy #worldcup
The #USA and particularly those states you mentioned, need more #women as #slaveLabour in their #PrisonIndustrialComplex.
Probably a diversity thing.
#usa #women #slavelabour #prisonindustrialcomplex #roevswade
@samuraikid@freeatlantis.com @djsumdog
We're not big supporters of #meatEating. It'd be great for many, including in terms of #publicHealth, if we were somehow limited in our #meat intake.
We're quite sure that if we stopped bombing far flung places, incl' staging #coups that destabilise, there'd be no #slaveLabour on our shores in the #massProduction of #meatProducts at #abattoirs.
#meatIndustry #consumption #extremeImmigration #humanTrafficking #bigAg #abattoirWorkers #refugeeProduction #MICIMATT
#meatEating #publichealth #meat #coups #slavelabour #massproduction #meatProducts #abattoirs #meatindustry #consumption #extremeImmigration #humantrafficking #bigag #abattoirWorkers #refugeeProduction #MICIMATT
> "Density Good."
Actually no, #denseLiving is very bad for basically everyone. But especially people who are not 25-30 years old.
#cities #megaCities #totalCarbonFootprint #verticalSprawl #developmentalDisorders #urbanSprawl #outsourcedCarbonFootprint #farmToPlate #outsourcedLabour #slaveLabour #repression #speculation #overdevelopment #overpopulation #complexity #humanFilingCabinets #metaVerse
#denseLiving #cities #megacities #totalCarbonFootprint #verticalSprawl #developmentalDisorders #urbanSprawl #outsourcedCarbonFootprint #farmToPlate #outsourcedLabour #slavelabour #repression #speculation #overdevelopment #overpopulation #complexity #humanFilingCabinets #metaverse
We can't say we are fans of #gold due to the #slaveLabour involved to extract it, but it and #bitcoin are designed to be moved seldomly.
For bitcoin to be most useful it needs to be paired with a more liquid crypto.
For gold to be most useful people need to demand physical delivery, or it will suppressed like it seems to be over the past year. We don't mind the slump though, as we say keeps the slavery to a minimum.
@colossalspam@noagendasocial.com @Malarkey33@noagendasocial.com @TechLibre@noagendasocial.com
Tell that to the #powerElite in their #privatePlanes and helicopters, #printingMoney to buy up literally everything and bringing in #slaveLabour from overseas by plane at all hours of the night and day to build the #highrises they intend to pack us into.
They are having a good little time at our expense. Big gains ahead for them.
But a person wouldn't know it from watching the #ABCNews (#AustralianBroadcastingCoronavirusNews).
Sure there's a silverLining, but some honesty is needed.
#powerElite #privatePlanes #printingmoney #slavelabour #highrises #abcnews #AustralianBroadcastingCoronavirusNews