Black Rebellion In Barbados: The Struggle Against Slavery, 1627-1838 by Hilary Beckles
#Barbados, #Bajan, #slavery, #blackchattelslavery, #slaverebellions, #slaveuprisings, #slaverevolts, #revolt, #rebellion, #britishimperialism, #britishcolonialism, #Caribbean, #Caribbeanhistory, #abolition, #frontiersocieties, #creolization, #creole, #whitesupremacy, #antiblackness, #britishempire, #slavetrade, #laborhistory, #counterinsurgency
"This year (1984) marks the one hundred and fiftieth anniversary of the formal abolition of slavery in the English-speaking Caribbean and this work is intended to commemorate the occasion.
#barbados #Bajan #slavery #blackchattelslavery #slaverebellions #slaveuprisings #slaverevolts #revolt #rebellion #britishimperialism #britishcolonialism #caribbean #Caribbeanhistory #abolition #frontiersocieties #creolization #creole #whitesupremacy #antiblackness #britishempire #slavetrade #laborhistory #counterinsurgency
Themes in African-Guyanese History by Winston F. McGowan; James G. Rose; David A. Granger; Alvin O. Thompson; Brian L. Moore; Carl A. Braithwaite; Kimani S. Nehusi; Hazel M. Woolford; Clive Y. Thomas
#Guyana, #Essequibo, #Berbice, #britishcolonialism, #dutchcolonialism, #history, #Demerara, #Demerary, #BritishGuiana, #DemeraraEssequibo, #slavery, #blackchattelslavery, #colonialism, #Caribbean, #LatinAmerica, #slavetrade, #slaverevolts
“This book focuses on some of the major developments in the history of the African-Guyanese people from the time of their arrival in what were then the Dutch colonies of Essequibo and Berbice in the first half of the seventeenth century, to the present day. Most African-Guyanese today are descendants of enslaved Africans who were victims of the trans-Atlantic slave trade – the forced migration of millions of Africans, largely from West Africa to the Americas, from the fifteenth to the nineteenth centuries.”
#guyana #Essequibo #Berbice #britishcolonialism #dutchcolonialism #history #Demerara #Demerary #BritishGuiana #DemeraraEssequibo #slavery #blackchattelslavery #colonialism #caribbean #latinamerica #slavetrade #slaverevolts
The Revolt of African Slaves in Iraq in the 3rd/9th Century by Alexandre Popovic; Léon King; Henry Louis Gates, Jr.
#Zanj, #slaverevolts, #history, #Iraq, #ZanjRebellion, #AbbasidCaliphate, #ThawratalZanj, #زَنْج, #زنجي, #Basra, #Zanjrevolt, #antiblackness, #blackchattelslavery, #slavery, #imperialism, #guerrillawarfare, #antiblackracism
translation; originally published in french in 1976
#Zanj #slaverevolts #history #iraq #ZanjRebellion #AbbasidCaliphate #ThawratalZanj #زَنْج #زنجي #basra #Zanjrevolt #antiblackness #blackchattelslavery #slavery #imperialism #GuerrillaWarfare #antiblackracism