@uspolitics The #ManWithNoEyes approves.
#slaverybyanothername #CoolHandLuke #manwithnoeyes
#The1619Project episode 4 explodes the myth of #capitalism in the #US.
Founded here and in #Europe on #slavery (from where do you think most of the wealth in your precious period pieces derived?), capitalism in the U.S. retains much of the same characteristics as 200 years ago.
The author of #SlaveryByAnotherName (book and #PBS show) helps explain in the context of #Amazon in #Bessemer #Alabama.
The #corporate fight against #unions is used to highlight the ills of our brutal society.
#unions #corporate #alabama #bessemer #Amazon #pbs #slaverybyanothername #slavery #Europe #US #Capitalism #the1619Project
1. #OfficeSpace
2. #SlaveryByAnotherName
3. #Koyaanisqatsi
4. #SummerOfSoul
5. #TheDeclineOfWesternCivilization
6. #RogueOne
7. #SorryToBotherYou
#7filmstoknowme #officespace #slaverybyanothername #koyaanisqatsi #SummerOfSoul #thedeclineofwesterncivilization #rogueone #sorrytobotheryou