@DismalManorGang @finner
Alrighty then! It’s FACTUAL to say that owning and buying & selling people is ILLEGAL in the United States. #slaveryisillegal #slaveryhistory
#slaveryisillegal #slaveryhistory
Chapter 4 of The slavery past of Johanna Haagsman, which reveals more about the whereabouts of W. Haagsman, is now online in English as well:
#johanna #slaveryhistory #search #registers #indexes #lists
Tonight’s reading material for me. Scotland’s Transnational Heritage: Legacies of Empire and Slavery. Going to start with the 3 chapters I heard especially about at yesterday’s book launch at Dundee. #Scotland #ScottishHistory #BlackHistory #Slavery #SlaveryHistory #Colonialism #Empire #EmpireHistory #Museums #PublicHistory #Heritage #Dundee
#dundee #heritage #publichistory #museums #empirehistory #empire #colonialism #slaveryhistory #slavery #blackhistory #ScottishHistory #scotland
So glad I could attend virtually the book launch for “Scotland's Transnational Heritage: Legacies of Empire and Slavery”. Insightful speakers and a very lively discussion about many issues related to this important topic. I’ve ordered me a copy of the book. https://edinburghuniversitypress.com/book-scotland-s-transnational-heritage.html #ScottishHistory #Scotland #Slavery #SlaveryHistory #BlackHistory #Empire #Colonialism #Museums #MuseumStudies #PopularHistory #PublicHistory #Books #BookLaunch #AcademicHistory #History #Heritage
#heritage #history #academichistory #booklaunch #books #publichistory #popularhistory #museumstudies #museums #colonialism #empire #blackhistory #slaveryhistory #slavery #scotland #ScottishHistory
Historic anti-slavery rally remembered in Hawick https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-south-scotland-64572368 #BlackHistory #Scotland #ScottishBorders #Slavery #SlaveryHistory #AntiSlavery #FrederickDouglass #Hawick #ScottishHistory #NineteenthCentury #19thcentury
#19thcentury #nineteenthcentury #ScottishHistory #hawick #frederickdouglass #antislavery #slaveryhistory #slavery #ScottishBorders #scotland #blackhistory
#rihannasuperbowl #Rihanna #childlabor #childlabour #childlaborviolations #childabuse #childAbuser #childabuseandneglect #slavery2022 #slaveryhistory #slavery #employee #workers #ausgov #politas #ethics #morals #capitalism #humanrights #classwar
#rihannasuperbowl #Rihanna #childlabor #childlabour #childlaborviolations #childabuse #childAbuser #childabuseandneglect #slavery2022 #slaveryhistory #slavery #employee #workers #AusGov #politas #ethics #morals #capitalism #humanrights #classwar
Kolonialism all over again.
Dutch government planned to make excuses for its history of enslaving people, coming monday dec 19th.
Without consultating the people, organisations and countries concerning, who stated that they would prefer it to be made on july 1st, 2023, by the King.
Dutch minister Kaag went to Suriname to talk about it, the only thing she says about that is: coming Monday will be an important day.
#slavernijverleden #slaveryhistory #Netherlands