819 | it/its | 🔞 · @819
52 followers · 57 posts · Server kinky.business

check: stayed locked through the whole night; didn't need to unlock half way. this slave's body is slowly getting used to being locked into its belt.

this slave already feels mentally and emotionally safe and comfortable in its belt; it just needs its body to become accustomed to it.

As always, boosts, favourites, and questions are welcomed.

#chastity #slavetraining #slave #chastitybelt #chastitytraining

Last updated 1 year ago

JT · @notyou1515
69 followers · 229 posts · Server kinky.business

We'll be skipping this week's challenge because we already have a daily kneeling ritual that works for us. See above.

When asked about this week's task, my wife said she has no interest in "leaving me hanging" on the floor. Our kneeling is a moment of connection between us. If she wanted to exercise her power dynamic, she'd have me do something sexual instead.

#slavetraining #loweryourself #protocol #ds #me #Autobiographical

Last updated 2 years ago

JT · @notyou1515
69 followers · 225 posts · Server kinky.business

This week's rituals focus on body marking and writing. You bear a submissive mark to reinforce your self identity and how you present yourself to others. The idea is to prepare for wearing a permanent collar.

This one I have no problem with. I wear a permanent collar, and I think drawing on sharpie for a month is good practice for any permanent change.

My collar has a symbol that we both identify as belonging to my wife. For the next week she wants to draw that symbol on me as well. I'll be wearing it under clothes because I'm not out.

Pro tip: If you're going to permanently adorn yourself with some icon, make sure that icon doesn't have sharp edges. I can't tell you the number of times I've accidentally gauged myself with the symbol since I've been permanently collared.

#slavetraining #loweryourself

Last updated 2 years ago

JT · @notyou1515
68 followers · 218 posts · Server kinky.business

"Before anything else, if a subject isn't willing to engage with kink, I'm not going to be interested in owning them... A slave must be willing to <list>."

I'm having trouble reading this as anything other than "you must be this kinky to ride." That's fine as a personal preference, but there's an implication that those who aren't X kinky aren't... serious?

If so, fuck that noise. You can have D/s without the rest of BDSM. We regularly do mental edge play with hypnosis where my memory/identity are wiped, but we've never done pain, punishment, or humiliation.

Propaganda like this prevented us from engaging with the community for 20 years. We didn't think we were "serious" enough kinksters. Cut off from a community that sounded hostile, we had to re-learn many lessons ourselves.

If you're following this course and you think you're not kinky enough: don't worry. You are still one of us.

#loweryourself #slavetraining

Last updated 2 years ago

GummyNerds · @CoffeeFingers
1503 followers · 8048 posts · Server noagendasocial.com

@Bustabubble "What is a Gen Z?"

"Am I a Gen Z?"

"What other generational labels exist?"

"Who is better?"


Last updated 2 years ago

JT · @notyou1515
68 followers · 213 posts · Server kinky.business

I don't know how much longer I'll be able to do these. I love the idea of weekly prompts, but these prompts reek of "one twue way" syndrome and it's beginning to irk me.

I have complicated feelings about service. I love to make people happy, and I love seeing the effect of my work on the lives of those around me. I love being complemented and praised for doing a good job.

On the flip side, as soon as service is expected of me, demanded from me, or taken for granted, I really hate it. In that scenario, there is no pleasure. Instead, there is only anxiety, resentment, and the fear of failure.

Service is a gift and I need to be able to give it freely. As soon as it becomes an obligation the joy in it is ruined for me.

#loweryourself #slavetraining #hypnokink #obedience

Last updated 2 years ago

Primitive · @Primitive41
0 followers · 1 posts · Server mastodon.social

Well hello everyone! Can anyone see this?? Profile is in the process of being built… App keeps not saving edits so could be a bit before Info is on here… Any questions feels free to ask! In search of a new Pet

#kink #dom #fuckpig #pet #slavetraining #slave

Last updated 2 years ago

JT · @notyou1515
67 followers · 206 posts · Server kinky.business

This week came with a task to sit still for 10 minutes because the creator said so-- if I'm a sub "my place is to obey, not question."

My visceral reaction was "Fuck off." I'm /extremely/ anti-authoritarian. I'll eat shit if it means an authoritarian has to smell my breath. I detest hierarchies with a burning passion. Tell me that "my place is to obey, not question" and I'm going to do nothing but question and undermine you.

How does this affect our TPE? I live with constant hypnotic bondage over my actions, thoughts, and memories. I trust my partner to use that power responsibly for both of our pleasure. Otherwise we're equals.

"Supposed to" and "Should" are red flags. Never do something just because a "sub should do X." That's how you destroy boundaries and end up unhappy or unsafe. BDSM is customizable to you.

If more prompts have tasks, I may have to abandon this.

#loweryourself #slavetraining #hypnokink #obedience

Last updated 2 years ago

JT · @notyou1515
66 followers · 204 posts · Server kinky.business

Working on the 52-weeks of slave training challenge with @819 . I'm behind, so I need to catch up. First week is Transparency.

Transparency is like consent. It's essential for a healthy relationship. Not having it is a red flag at best and immoral/illegal at worst. It's essential for both vanilla and kinky relationships, but comes up sooner in kink contexts because of the darker corners we explore.

It's also hot. I love the idea of not having privacy in my thoughts, of being that vulnerable.

I have a transparency trigger. When my wife says a phrase, I look into her eyes and am captured there until she physically pushes my head away. My mind goes blank, and I answer any questions immediately without shame and without any filters.

It's hot as hell, and it takes "use your words" to a whole new level. There's no room to be shy or bashful when she turns on that power.


#loweryourself #slavetraining #hypnokink #transparency

Last updated 2 years ago

819 · @819
9 followers · 16 posts · Server kinky.business
819 · @819
9 followers · 16 posts · Server kinky.business
819 · @819
4 followers · 11 posts · Server kinky.business

Week 4: Depravity

#loweryourself #slavetraining

Last updated 2 years ago

819 · @819
4 followers · 10 posts · Server kinky.business
819 · @819
3 followers · 9 posts · Server kinky.business
819 · @819
3 followers · 8 posts · Server kinky.business

Week 1: Transparency (Communication)

#loweryourself #slavetraining #bdsm

Last updated 2 years ago

819 · @819
3 followers · 7 posts · Server kinky.business


819 (eight-one-nine; it/its) is a genderless, lifestyle submissive working towards its dream of being an owned slave in a 24/7 TPE dynamic.

it is only permitted to speak about itself in the third person.

it loves following orders, and having restrictions placed on its behaviour.

Throughout 2023, it is completing the 52-week slave training course, and is expected to share weekly reflections on the course and its learnings here.

it has been orgasm-free since 1/1/2022.

it also enjoys , , , being a , and more.

819 welcomes questions, encouragement, and teasing!

819 lives and works on Wurundjeri country, and pays respects to First Nations people.

:transgender_flag: :asexual_flag: :agender_flag:


#loweryourself #orgasmdenial #orgasmcontrol #ponyplay #humiliationkink #degradationkink #hucow #bdsm #slavetraining #submissive #slave #melbourne #victoria #kink #fetish #introductions #introduction

Last updated 2 years ago

819 · @819
0 followers · 1 posts · Server kinky.business


819 (eight-one-nine; it/its) is a genderless, lifestyle submissive working towards its dream of being owned in a 24/7 TPE dynamic.

It loves following orders, and having restrictions placed on its behaviour. It has a deep longing to live a completely surrendered life, and to be of service wherever possible.

Throughout 2023, it is completing a 52-week slave training course (titled ), and has been expected to write weekly reflections on the course and its learnings. Acknowledging that Twitter feels like it's teetering on the brink, it has opted to additionally post its weekly writings here.

819 welcomes any and all questions and encouragement!

819 lives and works on Wurundjeri country, and pays respects to First Nations people.

:transgender_flag: :asexual_flag: :agender_flag:

#loweryourself #bdsm #slavetraining #submissive #melbourne #victoria #kink #fetish #introductions #introduction

Last updated 2 years ago

RestrainedElegance · @RestrainedElegance
4713 followers · 13701 posts · Server kinkyelephant.com

My clip just sold! Scarlett's Second Session: Remote Control Vibe Submission (Part Two, VID0790B, 4K MP4) /studio/23235/26795589/scarletts-second-session-remote-control-vibe-submission-part-two-vid0790b-4k-mp4 /

#slavetraining #submissive

Last updated 2 years ago