Things to do #InsteadOfWorldCup, 14/29:
Listen to an #AI simulate a conversation between #German #filmmaker #Werner #Herzog and #philosophe #slovène #Slavoj “Who?” #Žižek.
You can listen to it until this abomination of a football tournament has ended.
Indeed, you can listen to it until the universe achieves heat death.
Boost and add your own!
#NoWorldCup2022 #Boycott #FIFA #Qatar #CorruptWretches #ContraIlCalcioModerno #Pretension #Skynet
#insteadofworldcup #ai #german #filmmaker #werner #Herzog #philosophe #Slovene #slavoj #zizek #NoWorldCup2022 #boycott #fifa #qatar #corruptwretches #contrailcalciomoderno #pretension #skynet
Things to do #InsteadOfWorldCup, 14/29:
Listen to an #AI simulate a conversation between #German #filmmaker #Werner #Herzog and #philosophe #slovène #Slavoj “Who?” #Žižek.
You can listen to it until this abomination of a football tournament has ended.
Indeed, you can listen to it until the universe achieves heat death.
Boost and add your own!
#NoWorldCup2022 #Boycott #FIFA #Qatar #CorruptWretches #ContraIlCalcioModerno #Pretension #Skynet
#insteadofworldcup #ai #german #filmmaker #werner #Herzog #philosophe #Slovene #slavoj #zizek #NoWorldCup2022 #boycott #fifa #qatar #corruptwretches #contrailcalciomoderno #pretension #skynet
so you tell me, there is a #ai that keeps a eternal dialogue between #WernerHerzog and #slavoj #Žižek ?!
#ai #WernerHerzog #slavoj #Zizek
#Slavoj #Žižek – Die Revolution und das Reale | #Sternstunde #Philosophie | #SRF# Kultur
Alt. link.:
#srf #philosophie #sternstunde #Žižek #slavoj
Could you use a good laugh?
I laughed
"Noted Post-Marxist Sociologist, Philosopher, and Cultural Critic #Slavoj #Žižek Welcomes You to the Gym"