#SlavojZizek #jnanapravaha #mumbai #India https://art.odicforcesounds.com/pages/YinYang/Dao/index.html Keep it simple.. is knowledge for children! Old knowledge.. and is in fact, funny :D #capitalism #fantasy #creativity #reality ... time flowing and intercepted by brain which can learn. But we don't always learn something, we just repeat.. here, "copy paste", even if I am writting letter by letter with my fingers that I already copy into my brain
#reality #creativity #fantasy #capitalism #india #mumbai #jnanapravaha #slavojzizek
Slavoj Žižek is in stock! #Philosophy #SlavojZizek #Zizek #Verso #SevenStories #SanJose #RecycleBookstore #Bookstore #Bookstodon
#philosophy #slavojzizek #Zizek #verso #sevenstories #sanjose #recyclebookstore #bookstore #bookstodon
@ZachWeinersmith This reminds me a little of what I read about the "big Other."
"Here, Žižek’s elaboration of Lacan’s concept of the ‘big Other’ is crucial. The big Other is the collective fiction, the symbolic structure, presupposed by any social field. The big Other can never be encountered in itself; instead, we only ever confront its stand-ins."
–Mark Fisher, Capitalist Realism
a great interview with Slavoj Žižek about our failing democracy, european vanity and the nonfuncting left
its in german tho (just translate it). please dont mind the clickbait title
#slavojzizek #zizek #philosophy #democracy
Interview mit #SlavojZizek: "Das Ekelhafteste der vergangenen Jahre war die UN-Klimakonferenz in Glasgow, alle waren sie da [...]. Und sie alle sagten, wie ernst es sei und wie schlimm es stehe, aber es war bereits in der Veranstaltung [...] inbegriffen, dass das keine echten Konsequenzen haben würde. Unsere grundsätzliche Haltung ist: Wir wissen, dass es ernste Probleme gibt, aber wir akzeptieren nicht, dass wir wirklich unsere Art zu leben ändern müssen."
Slavoj Žižek – The revolution and the real | Sternstunde #Philosophie | #SRF #Kultur
#kultur #srf #philosophie #slavojzizek
I think I'm finally getting how it works stochatically.
It all comes back to the supposed fascist terf communist pervert and ethnically afflicted coke addict #slavojzizek and his profound assertion that the universal is in the particular
That the key isn't having the proper analysis of anatogisms but having the appropriate levity to approach our every day trauma with a sense of purpose and engagement and irony where the ever present reality of antagonism and all of its fall out exerts the pressure by which we have conversations that take our pain and suffering and convert it into an occasion for them humanities
Many hands make for lighter loads and political correctness is a more subtle straight jacket that enables racism because the caution spent on avoiding confrontation is not bars nor chains but it is the factor from preventing the many good people from confronting the few assholes who we can increasingly see as buffoons
The higher a monkey can climb, the more it shows its tail
Slavoj Žižek is Wrong About Trans People & Wokeness
#politics #breadtube #brigitteempire #slavojzizek #essay #LGBTQ #analysis
#politics #breadtube #brigitteempire #slavojzizek #essay #lgbtq #analysis
Hey everyone,
Michael, Jake, Peter, and Will want to thank you all for listening to 3(!) years of the show. We're incredibly grateful for all of your support. And we're real excited for the next year of the the podcast. We hope to, as always, fail a little bit better.
Love, the fellas.
Check out our new episode here: tinyurl.com/mattzizek
#Zizek #slavojzizek #zizekquotes
I think the problem with this article is that in the first place Žižek fails to qualify "woke" or "wokeness" in any workable way, grouping together a series of events by virtue of what he perceives as woke/wokeness. Secondly, it doesn't show any real material analysis of issues facing trans people, nor a scientific understanding of the medical interventions part of gender affirming health care. In the third, it picks and chooses a few examples of hyper-policing, where institutions or groups over egg the pudding, so to say, of political correctness. Fourth, it doesn't offer a solution, or propose a way forward for the issue it opens with, of Isla Bryson, or any other issue it mentions.
The truth is, that in all cases where society takes steps to fully enfranchise and incorporate a hitherto marginalised group, there will be mistakes. It's called change.
Lastly, Freud. I mean, come on!
I feel like Žižek is the waste of a philosopher who might otherwise be put to good use demonstrating real world contradictions and showing us the joys of material analysis and dialectic, Hegelian or Marxist.
Die unendliche Unterhaltung zwischen Werner Herzog und Slavoj Žižek
Ein schönes und absurdes AI-Kunstprojekt das Infinite Conversation da gebaut hat.
#AI #ChatGPT #KI #SlavojZizek #WernerHerzog
#ai #chatgpt #ki #slavojzizek #wernerherzog
#SlavojZizek definitely sui generis -- not many music videos feature thinkers/writers:
Now that the old Bavarian is gone, #PopeFrancis,
who is believed to be a raving #Communist, will replace #VirginMary with #SlavojŽižek, to bring the Church to 21st C by attracting the student #population who are predominantly godless and lefty. From now on, he will be only known as the Holy #Slavojka (ensuring the end of #Capitalism through encouraging young people to eat rich people and smoke all kinds of #drugs which will be legal and properly blessed & taxed) … 😂😂
#popefrancis #communist #virginmary #slavojzizek #population #slavojka #capitalism #drugs
An interesting interview with Slavoj Žižek: https://www.spectator.co.uk/article/universities-shouldnt-be-safe-spaces-rory-sutherland-and-slavoj-zizek-on-cancel-culture-futurism-and-hollywood-marxism/
It helps me understand his point of view about genre/LGBT+ questions. I really enjoyed the "Futurism & travel" part.
For all the Žižek proponents (like @andreiludv 🙀) #SlavojŽižek
Is our search for an #ObjectiveMorality misguided? - #SlavojZizek #SlavojŽižek - A Short Pitch
#Philosophy #Morality #Ethics #Objectivism #Relativism #Politics #Society #Totalitarianism #SovietUnion #IAI #InstituteOfArtsAndIdeas
#instituteofartsandideas #iai #sovietunion #totalitarianism #society #politics #relativism #objectivism #ethics #morality #philosophy #slavojzizek #objectivemorality
NEW EPISODE! PROHIBITION OF ENJOYMENT Listen: https://www,tinyurl.com/zproenjoy Though we've been busy working thru the ongoing reading group with Matthew Flisfeder on Žižek's For They Know Not What They Do: Enjoyment as a Political Factor we managed to get together for an ep on enjoyment & prohibition as its developed in FTKNWTD. Peter talks schoolyard pornography, Michael lost his job & Jake is back, what more can I say? Thanks to Lorelai Gilmore #žižek #zizek #slavojzizek #slavojžižek
Listen: https://wwww.tinyurl.com/zproenjoy
Though we've been busy working thru the ongoing reading group with Matthew Flisfeder on Žižek's For They Know Not What They Do: Enjoyment as a Political Factor we managed to get together for an ep on enjoyment & prohibition as its developed in FTKNWTD. Peter talks schoolyard pornography, Michael lost his job & Jake is back, what more can I say?
Thanks to Lorelai Gilmore
#žižek #zizek #slavojzizek #slavojžižek
@malwaretech You're making me think of this: https://youtu.be/Ghx0sq_gXK4 #Technofeudalism #SlavojZizek #Zizek #Philosophy #Economics #Debt #Capitalism #YanisVaroufakis #Varoufakis
The full talk is the Indigo Festival 2021. #IndigoFestival2021
#indigofestival2021 #varoufakis #yanisvaroufakis #capitalism #debt #economics #philosophy #zizek #slavojzizek #technofeudalism