Hiisikoloart · @hiisikoloart
20 followers · 174 posts · Server writing.exchange

A comic about and what it is like to live knowing that no matter how hard you try some stuff will always be forgotten.


#comics #sleepdisorder #idiopathichypersomnia #memoryloss

Last updated 1 year ago

Fern (they/them) · @fern
20 followers · 82 posts · Server disabled.social

I just slept seven and a half hours straight and woke up five minutes before my alarm. :O My system has been trying to work on our sleep schedule to help with an , so that’s very cool!!

#insomnia #sleepdisorder

Last updated 1 year ago

Hiisikoloart · @hiisikoloart
12 followers · 112 posts · Server writing.exchange
Hiisikoloart · @hiisikoloart
10 followers · 30 posts · Server writing.exchange

Some people truly fail to understand a fundamental truth about me and my condition: I am sleepy ALL the time. Not sometimes. Not just after a taxing task. Not only after pushing myself to use my brain noodles.

I have been sleepy EVERY WAKING MOMENT OF MY LIFE and there is no end in sight. I fight sleepiness, which is NOT CUTE, all the time. It just happens to grow when I do Anything at all.

#beyondsleepy #disability #exhausted #tired #sleepy #sleepdisorder #idiopathichypersomnia

Last updated 1 year ago

Hiisikoloart · @hiisikoloart
8 followers · 13 posts · Server writing.exchange

I wish my legs didn't refuse to work for 30 minutes to one hour as I try to wake up from my endlessly deep slumber like an ancient cursed creature rising from depths of crypt long forgotten by the humanity...

...it would be nice to just get up sometimes instead.

#mornings #disability #wakingupsucks #sleepdisorder #idiopathichypersomnia

Last updated 1 year ago

Sheldon Chang 🇺🇸 · @sysop408
316 followers · 1147 posts · Server sfba.social

@poppacalypse oh, short naps are not easy for me either. I mostly had to take naps in public or semi-public places where it was easier to wake up because there was so much stimulation around you.

Getting things done actually hasn't been too hard as long as I'm rested. Doing work as part of a team is hard if it's a long project because of all the meetings, but most of the time I'm a solo dev and nearly all of my clients have been with me a long time. The mutual familiarity helps a lot. They know how I work, most know about my sleep issues, and I know them so well they don't need to explain very much for me to know exactly what they need.

There's only a few days a month when I can't arrange to be awake for at least a couple of normal business hours so as long as people can plan a week ahead to schedule meetings, it's tolerable for me.

Having a life outside of work is where things get dicey because social schedules are more unpredictable and harder to juggle.

#non24 #sleepdisorder #insomnia

Last updated 2 years ago

Sheldon Chang 🇺🇸 · @sysop408
316 followers · 1147 posts · Server sfba.social

@poppacalypse hey that’s great! I’ve always had like 10 alarms to wake me up and it’s just like your story once I’m able to find my natural sleep times. I just wake up naturally 7-8 hours afterwards. Unfortunately it’s hard to figure out when that natural time should be on any given day when it always creeps forward.

Even when I can’t find it, it’s easier for me to just go to bed 2 hours later every day because that’s like establishing a normal bedtime even if it’s not the ideal bedtime.

Trying to get up at the same time every day for me is like trying to get up 2 hours earlier every day. You can’t do it for long without consequences.

#non24 #sleepdisorder #insomnia

Last updated 2 years ago

Lies! I actually got 4-5ish hours of . Not great & not as much as I’ve been enjoying lately — I woke same time as usual despite staying up much later last night.

I have relating to chronic pain & my styles. & 2 are my diagnoses. I’m 50 & the physical is now more prominent than my struggles & neurodivergence. I use these terms while believing that are one. Environment & behavior changes are my routes to lasting improvement.

#mindbody #emotional #pain #bipolar #adhd #mental #sleepdisorder #sleep

Last updated 2 years ago

Linda Bell · @flcardiacnurse
32 followers · 1169 posts · Server med-mastodon.com

Can someone please explain what the rationale is to send an to my phone at Oh-god-0450?? I have a and I have test alerts turned off on my phone, but the one this morning came through no problem 🫨🙄 despite that.

This will backfire as lots of folks are going to turn off Emergency Alerts completely.

#emergencyalert #sleepdisorder #stupid #florida

Last updated 2 years ago

· @NaturalNews
5981 followers · 28027 posts · Server brighteon.social
Louise #FBPE · @LChannon
405 followers · 234 posts · Server mstdn.social

REM sleep Behaviour disorder -RBD
Within 20 years of diagnosis, over 80 per cent of patients will develop Parkinson’s disease, or other neurodegenerative disorders such as Dementia With Lewy Bodies (LBD).
For some, RBD can be an early predictor of LBD.

#Health #dementia #lbd #parkinson #sleepdisorder #RBD

Last updated 2 years ago

Louise #FBPE · @LChannon
386 followers · 484 posts · Server mstdn.social


REM behavioural sleep disorder - acting out dreams - a potential early predictor for Lewy Body Dementia. The article mentions men, and it does seem more common in men, but women can get it too.

#Health #sleepdisorder #lewybody #dementia

Last updated 2 years ago

Jamie · @jaymsterbean
68 followers · 323 posts · Server mstdn.social

For as long as I can remember, I've had a . I have "traveled" the world via my sleep schedule, changing time zones almost weekly.

Last week I was in Europe. This week, I'm in the US West Coast.

#countingsheepdoesnotwork #insomnia #sleepdisorder

Last updated 2 years ago

Ainebet · @ainebet
94 followers · 436 posts · Server sfba.social

@remyreedy Here's a partial list of things I do for sleep hygiene for my 🧵: 1. weighted blanket. 2. Consistent laying down time (even if I'm not feeling sleepy yet I try to at least give it a go between 10:30-11:30pm). 3. Listening to sleep meditation or sleep hypnosis or ASMR, there's free ones on YouTube. 4. Having water next to bed and drinking some at wakeup time even if I'm very sleepy. (I also take my daytime meds at this time to help me wake up). /1


Last updated 2 years ago

Kloosterboer · @kloosterboer
11 followers · 45 posts · Server mastodon.nl
Daniel Wurzbacher · @wurzbacher
173 followers · 1621 posts · Server mapstodon.space

Anyone have success locating a or community here? Since I like most am newish here, it’s possible I’m just not searching correctly.

#chronicillness #sleepdisorder

Last updated 2 years ago

Beckie · @fitkiwi
595 followers · 411 posts · Server mastodon.nz

I haven't mentioned this before, but I have Delayed Phase Sleep Disorder. My circadian rhythm is out by several hours, which means instead of going to sleep at say 10.30pm, I don't go to sleep until close to 1am. This means I don't get the early morning light necessary for normal circadian function.
Next week I am starting a course of low dose melatonin to try and fix this.

#sleep #sleepdisorder #Sleepdisorders #melatonin #circadianrhythm

Last updated 2 years ago

Miss Fidget · @missfidget
47 followers · 101 posts · Server toot.community
Robotistry · @robotistry
106 followers · 191 posts · Server sciencemastodon.com


* "Characterizing non-restorative sleep in post-viral disease to advance intervention innovations" - understanding sleep regulation (foundations of future treatment)

* "A pre- and postoperative study of patients with ME/CFS operated for foraminal stenosis" - does surgery to relieve neck nerve pain help relieve ME/CFS symptoms?

#LongCovid #mecfs #PLRC #sleepdisorder #hypermobility #eds

Last updated 2 years ago

"You do you" is Eu-gen-ics. · @beadsland
816 followers · 9176 posts · Server mastodon.social

Bah. Problem with not getting when sleep wants to happen is that sleep doesn't want to happen when sleep doesn't want to happen.

#sleep #insomnia #sleepdisorder

Last updated 2 years ago