Someone else suggested podcasts also. Great tip, thanks! Got to think it may summon sleep faster than reading with lamps or screens.
I had a 2-hour dorveille last night, as it happens. Spent mostly on Kindle, trying to push through on a really well-reviewed fantasy book, with content right up my alley…that I'm just not enjoying at all. And has blocked me for weeks from getting on to something I'd like better.
#sleep #sleepdisturbance #podcasts #bookodon #reading
Yes, that's the "dorveille" I talked about. Interesting article, thanks! Hadn't seen its rediscovery credited to 1 man—Roger Ekirch—before.
About commonly sleeping in same bed: As a young lawyer in the 1830s and 1840s, Abraham Lincoln rode the circuit from town to town in rural Illinois. Lawyers & the judge often shared a bed or beds. Everyone else wanted to sleep in the middle for warmth, but Lincoln favored an end position…so he could read.
#sleep #sleepdisturbance #readers
Huh, interesting. Thanks! I knew about the sleep scientists, and as I indicated first learned about dorveilles from medieval history. But hadn't thought about anthropology.
Fieldwork in bedrooms must be interesting.
#sleep #sleepdisturbance #dorveilles
Sorry for delayed response; real life intrudes ...
"Brood" — oh I know that feeling. Although it's not so much common in my dorveilles as in the times when I can't get to sleep to start the night.
Haven't tried the podcast trick: sounds good, thanks! Because reading involves light, which must make some contribution to wakefulness. Or if I knew Braille ...
#sleep #sleepdisturbance #dorveilles #podcast
Sorry for delayed response; real life intrudes ...
Agreed, "dorveille" was a magnificent find for me just on its own. That satisfied feeling you get when "they've got a word for that."
And the light it shines (ahem) onto medieval history was an added plus.
Glad you're still staving off true insomnia!
#sleep #sleepdisturbance #dorveilles
Interesting. I didn't know the word "dorveilles." As I'm getting older, I'm getting these dorveilles more and more. Like you, if I can't fall back sleep in 10 minutes, I'll get up and read. So before going to bed, I'll have my book/tablet, a good reading lamp, and a glass of water nearby. #sleep #SleepDisturbance
Last night, as fairly frequently, I experienced what medieval French society called a “dorveille” — an hour or two of wakefulness in the middle of the night, between two periods of sleep.
This seemingly was a fairly common phenomenon for our agriculturalist ancestors. Perhaps it’s less common now because electric lights keep us up later, compressing our sleeping time?
I usually read during my white midnights. Do you have dorveilles? What do you do during them?
Does anyone have any ideas for "post acute phase 7months into #CAIDS and sleeping like shit, issues. Even with sleeping pills I'm sleeping like absolute shit, I wake up and I feel like I haven't slept. Same issue without sleeping aids except I have one to two nights no sleep then one night of sleep. Help
#CovidIsNotOver #covidsleepdisturbance #sleepdisturbance #longcovid #medicalmastodon #maskup #help
Ps I had sleep issues before this. Now I'm at least 100x worse
Not to mention the NEVER ENDING HEADACHES 😭
#CAIDS #CovidIsNotOver #covidsleepdisturbance #sleepdisturbance #LongCovid #medicalmastodon #MaskUp #help