"Having a good sleep is incredibly important when you are dealing with fatigue, and especially when naps and sleep disturbance are regular you have to be comfortable in bed."
New Blog Post:Β https://www.bloomingmindfulness.co.uk/national-bed-month-2023/ link is also in my bio π¦
#sleep #getbettersleep #sleeproutine #sleeptips #nationalbedmonth #chronicfatigueawareness #chronicillnessawareness #chronicillnessblogger #chronicillnessawareness #disabilityblogger #disabilityawareness #disabledcreator #blogger #blog #blogpost
#sleep #getbettersleep #sleeproutine #sleeptips #nationalbedmonth #chronicfatigueawareness #chronicillnessawareness #chronicillnessblogger #disabilityblogger #DisabilityAwareness #disabledcreator #blogger #blog #blogpost
I think I finally found my sleep routine eat dinner at five take a shower wash every part of my body really good this requires me using my back scrubber and acne medication for my body back and face, brush my teeth for 2 minutes shut my screens off 60 minutes before 7 and read my book until I start to fall asleep.
Feeling 70s. Listening to Fleetwood Mac :apartyblobcat: Chilling before bed. #sleepRoutine #retro