@writingcommunity How do you deal with the excruciatingly long wait between finishing a manuscript and seeing it in print?
My debut novella #DRECK has been waiting with the publisher so long that #dreampunk legend Jeff Noon read it and wrote a nice little review a full year and a half ago (#bragging, #nameDropping). Edits and illustrations are complete, just waiting in line behind one other book now. 🥲
#writingCommunity #indieAuthor #indieAuthors #writersLife #indieWriter #indieWriters #JeffNoon #indieAuthorProblems #writerProblems #indiePublishing #indiePress #sf #sff #sffh #scifi #scienceFiction #specFic #speculativeFiction #scienceFantasy #cyberpunk #trippyFiction #dreampunkFiction #weirdFiction #book #books #novella #novellas @bookstodon #bookstodon #adviceNeeded #irrealist #irrealism #avantPulp #sleepstream #trippyCyberpunk #debut #bookDebut #newAuthor #newAuthors #upcomingBooks #bookNews
#dreck #dreampunk #bragging #namedropping #writingcommunity #indieauthor #indieauthors #writerslife #indiewriter #indiewriters #JeffNoon #indieauthorproblems #writerproblems #indiepublishing #indiepress #sf #sff #sffh #scifi #sciencefiction #specfic #speculativefiction #sciencefantasy #cyberpunk #trippyFiction #dreampunkFiction #weirdfiction #book #books #novella #novellas #bookstodon #AdviceNeeded #irrealist #irrealism #avantpulp #sleepstream #trippycyberpunk #debut #bookdebut #newauthor #newauthors #upcomingbooks #booknews
The new Sleep Stream video has officially gone gold! I'm sorry it took so long, as it is long overdue.
It will be releasing this Friday.
Stay tuned!
New sleep stream video has officially gone gold and will be releasing this week! #WIP #SleepStream
New sleep stream video is finally done! I spent 10 hours of my day working on this video, and I had a lot of fun editing it. The video has officially gone gold!
The video will be released later on today for VIP's and tomorrow (Christmas Eve) for everyone else.
I can't wait to premiere this video! This is my last video for 2022!
Stay tuned!
Be on a lookout for a special cameo for a specific website, you will like this!
Which genre/movement would you most like to read?
#books #fiction #genreFiction #sf #sff #sffh #trippy #trippyFiction #weirdFiction #newWeird #scifi #cyberpunk #trippySF #trippyCyberpunk #trippyScifi #literary #literaryFiction #irreal #irrealism #irrealist #dreampunk #dreampunkFiction #slipstream #sleepstream #transreal #transrealism #transrealist #psychologicalFiction #speculativeFiction
#books #fiction #genrefiction #sf #sff #sffh #trippy #trippyFiction #weirdfiction #newWeird #scifi #cyberpunk #trippysf #trippycyberpunk #trippyscifi #literary #literaryfiction #Irreal #irrealism #irrealist #dreampunk #dreampunkFiction #slipstream #sleepstream #transreal #transrealism #transrealist #psychologicalFiction #speculativefiction