stark@ubuntu:~$ :idle: · @Stark9837
280 followers · 1483 posts · Server

Color me impressed!!!

So how did I do this?

Well, as you saw in the videos, not all circular mocements were converted, and without this technique, none of them are. Why is that?

Well, the we use like and need to "slice" or models. This converts the 3D model from its original format to the tool paths of the printer.

These software are insanely complex, and they dont recognize circles easily. They basically just find the shortest straight path with the least amount of deviation from the original curve.

Some slicers do use arc movements, but it is better to do it in post-processing.

Post-processing is when a sliced file is processed further after it was created.

The tool I use for this is . You can either download and use a script or use an plugin to do it automatically for you.

#slicers #cura #prusaslicer #superslicer #gcode #arcwelder #python #octoprint

Last updated 2 years ago

Picaboubx · @Picaboubx
88 followers · 1532 posts · Server

Si vous êtes vieux/vieilles en vous connaissez
Ce avait disparu de la surface du globe puis bientôt 3 ans avec ses promesses de mise à jour jamais tenu de la V 4.1.1 à la V 5
Pour rappel, la licence coutait 149€ (à vie !! si mes neurones ne me jouent pas des tours).
Depuis les comme , , ou se sont fait une place et ont fait évoluer l'

Et bien voila la V5 de et elle est re-payante 🤮

#impression3d #simplify3d #slicer #slicers #cura #prusaslicer #superslicer #ideamaker

Last updated 2 years ago