Ah, y la peli perfecta para una tarde de #cine en plan refugio climático. Una versión más sexy (gabacha) del clásico cutre de los noventas, el #SlidingDoors de Gwyneth Paltrow, pero con Giuseppe #Verdi en el rol de #Aqua.
#cine #slidingdoors #verdi #aqua #cinema #eurocine
#AdessoInTv SkyCinema2 #SlidingDoors la commedia su casualità e destino che ha lanciato Gwyneth Paltrow https://www.desordre.it/desordre/2022/12/sliding-doors.html
Instime Exterior Door Sliding High Quality Patio Door Aluminium Glass Slide Doors
Transform your patio with the sleek and stylish Instime Exterior Sliding Glass Doors! Made from high-quality aluminium, these doors are not only visually stunning, but also durable and long-lasting. Enjoy the perfect balance of natural light and privacy while accentuating your home's outdoor beauty. Upgrade your space with Instime today! #PatioGoals #SlidingDoors #AluminiumBeauty
#aluminiumbeauty #slidingdoors #patiogoals
Instime High Quality New Design Residential Interior Narrow Frame Aluminum Sliding Door For House
Looking for a stylish addition to your home? Check out Instime's latest design - a narrow frame aluminum sliding door! Perfect for any residential space, this high-quality door is the definition of sleek and modern. Upgrade your home's style today with Instime! #Instime #InteriorDesign #SlidingDoors
#slidingdoors #interiordesign #instime
Instime Modern Style High Quality Energy Saving Soundproof Clear Tempered Glass Sliding Glass Doors
Upgrade your home with our modern style, high quality, energy-saving, soundproof, clear tempered glass sliding glass doors! Say goodbye to noisy neighbors and hello to a sleek design that will make your home stand out! Don't wait any longer to elevate your living space - order your new doors today! #SlidingDoors #GlassDoors #HomeImprovement #ModernDesign #EnergySaving #Soundproof #TemperedGlass
#temperedGlass #Soundproof #energysaving #moderndesign #homeimprovement #glassdoors #slidingdoors
Gaby Hinsliff on the prescience of Ed Miliband...
Might he be the best (recent) leader the Labour Party had, that looking back they might regret have not really got behind - leaving him to be ground down by the prejudice & vitriolic attacks of the right-wing media... indeed perhaps the Rightists recognised that he was actually quite dangerous... still (as they say) #slidingdoors and all that...
@smellsfischy @vriphish76 I struggle with this too.
My dad passed almost 23 years ago now unexpectedly.
I often think about how he missed my family, my success and more, but I count my blessings that he didn’t suffer.
I also wonder if that moment never happened if my life would of turned out the way it did. Would I of made the decisions I did to get where I am?
Il viaggio nel tempo quantistico del fotone. Fenditure nel tempo. sliding doors, il risultato di Nature Physics. Un esperimento di meccanica quantistica messo a punto all’Imperial College di Londra ha dimostrato, come il dualismo onda-particella si manifesti anche facendo attraversare a un fotone due fenditure separate non nello spazio bensì nel tempo.
#doppiafenditura #meccanicaquantistica #Metamateriali #ondaparticella #SlidingDoors
#doppiafenditura #meccanicaquantistica #metamateriali #ondaparticella #slidingdoors
Poi, all'improvviso, cambi panetteria e...
#adoroilgenio #27marzo #vita #amore #sesso #sex #dildo #sextoys #uominiedonne #sogni #pagnotta #pane #luomodeisogni #slidingdoors
#adoroilgenio #27marzo #vita #amore #sesso #sex #dildo #sextoys #uominiedonne #sogni #pagnotta #pane #luomodeisogni #slidingdoors
>come to the darkside dropbear!
Hmmmm, well, gotta say ... mumble mumble ... now that i've tricked-up my Fedora 37 KDE VM to aesthetically mimic my real Arch one, it's ... mumble mumble ... humming along so far as a pretty tight enjoyable system ... mumble mumble ... 🤭
#SlidingDoors #ArchLinux #Fedora #KDEPlasma #FoodForThought
@varfrog Pls now completely ignore my final sentence in my earlier https://fosstodon.org/@dropbear42/109914238539247305
#slidingdoors #archlinux #fedora #kdeplasma #foodforthought
@oisinmcgann When I have my #perfecthouse (underfloor heating, huge insulation, ground-source heat-pump, solar panels, sea view, 1m-deep cupboards on every wall, vast triple-glazed windows), all doors including the #frontdoor will be #slidingdoors
#perfecthouse #frontdoor #slidingdoors
Part 116: No Sliding Doors
In this week's blog, I take a look at how my life might have changed if I had been identified as autistic earlier. You can read it here:
#autism #actuallyautistic #slidingdoors
A little observational poem about London tube rides: "Travelling Home From Work." #poetry #poetrycommunity #writing #WritingCommunity #poems #Moments #MomentsThatBringUsTogether
#observation #underground #tube #TubeStrike #slidingdoors
#poetry #poetrycommunity #writing #writingcommunity #poems #moments #MomentsThatBringUsTogether #observation #underground #tube #TubeStrike #slidingdoors
When I was younger and the observatory was empty there was a scheme to be a live in caretaker there, basically a small number of people just being there to stop break-ins and vandalism. I was very interested, but had a visit to Berlin planned first. Now I am German. #SlidingDoors
A mia discolpa (per le gaffes) posso dire che sto con l'influenza (quella di una volta) guardando vecchie commedie anni '90. #slidingdoors
Ma com'erano belle. Doppiaggi compresi, ed io odio i doppiaggi.
Remember that very first day at school, when the first kids you just happened to talk to in the playground became your friends for life? Sound familiar, at all?
#SlidingDoors #Mastodon #TwitterMigration #noobs #Fediverse
#slidingdoors #Mastodon #twittermigration #noobs #fediverse
Ma quanto sarebbero andate diversamente le cose se nel 2013 i 5 stelle avessero accettato di fare il governo con Bersani?