I am watching a program on #slimemoulds on #BBC4 and its the most interesting thing I have watched in years.
“My eyes were starting to learn slime mold. My ways of seeing were altering, thanks to my new friends who were showing me what to look for. What was once invisible was quickly becoming apparent.”
Read “Creatures That Don’t Conform,” by Lucy Jones. https://emergencemagazine.org/essay/creatures-that-dont-conform/ Photo by Barry Webb. #SlimeMolds #SlimeMoulds
“How do we see the world as sacred again? By radical noticing.” In this narrated essay, author Lucy Jones brims with awe upon discovering slime molds in the woods near her home. Listen to this weeks podcast, “Creatures That Don’t Conform.” https://emergencemagazine.org/podcast/ #Podcast #SlimeMolds #SlimeMoulds
#podcast #SlimeMolds #slimemoulds
“How do we see the world as sacred again? By radical noticing.” In this narrated essay, author @lucyjones brims with awe upon discovering slime molds in the woods near her home. Listen to “Creatures That Don’t Conform,” by Lucy Jones. https://emergencemagazine.org/podcast/ #SlimeMolds #SlimeMoulds #Podcast
#SlimeMolds #slimemoulds #podcast
This week on our podcast, we bring you a story from down deep among the forest floor. Journalist and author Lucy Jones brims with awe upon discovering slime molds and explores what might happen if, rather than trying to decipher such creatures, we instead bask in the wonder of their obscurity. Listen to “Creatures That Don’t Conform.” https://emergencemagazine.org/podcast/ Photo by Barry Webb. #SlimeMolds #SlimeMoulds #Podcast
#SlimeMolds #slimemoulds #podcast
I love this place! Googling #slimeMoulds, I just identified one I had here, from some months ago, on a leaf-mould heap. Will post shortly. My reading is they are slightly motile. Any evidence of that from your blobs? My thought was yours could be sap dripping from overhanging branches; even fruit ooze it sometimes. The hydrated volume would be much larger than the amber-like dry resin volume.
Prunus - inc plums can be copious secretors of resin, which may stay jelly-like in this very hydrated form.
#slimemould #slimemoulds #slimemouldsaturday
#SlimeMould #slimemoulds
#Fungi what I think might be an immature Stemontis Fusca slime mould,found on a fallen tree in autumn https://www.inaturalist.org/taxa/126279-Stemonitis-fusca
#slimemould #slimemoulds #fungi
#SlimeMoulds , #Science #Fungi And because its been far too long ,a slime mould post and one of the weirdest articles and aslime mould facts I have ever read :) bjut if you scroll down (quite far) it does also explain what slime moulds are ,bascially they are a bit like tiny benevolent #Borgs https://www.vox.com/science-and-health/2018/3/6/17072380/slime-mold-intelligence-hampshire-college
#slimemoulds #science #fungi #borgs
Good morning Mastodon
Unless your lucky enough to see "dog sick" #slimemould on your lawn rotting wood ,felled trees or fallen branches are probably your best bet for finding some . #Slimemoulds are usually fairly small but often brightly coloured so easy to spot
Just saw the link hadnt attached to my post #slimemould #slimemoulds https://science.howstuffworks.com/life/biology-fields/slime-molds.htm
#slimemould #slimemoulds nature
And todays slimemould and another link
(I think I mis indetified the slime mould in the photo ,I think its possibly many headed slime mould as dog sick slime mould is white)
#slimemoulds #nature #biology
I wondered if anyone here is interested in slime moulds (which arent moulds but somehow ended up with the name) I dont know much about them ,but theres lots here and I find them fascinating https://www.first-nature.com/fungi/~slime-moulds.php (this is also an excellent site if your interested in fungi