#15yrsago UK govβt loses 4 million citizensβ personal info https://cdn.computerworld.co.nz/article/494185/data_four_million_lost_one_year_uk/
#15yrsago #SlimGaillardβs #Vout dictionary: jazz #hipster argot from the 30s https://web.archive.org/web/20080913131050/http://www.pocreations.com/vout.html
#15yrsago Are images of the early #MickeyMouse still copyrighted? https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-2008-aug-22-fi-mickey22-story.html
#15yrsago McCainβs #DandD character stats https://www.wired.com/2008/08/john-mccain-cam/
#15yrsago #RandomHouse asks young adult writers to contractually promise not to behave immorally https://www.theguardian.com/books/booksblog/2008/aug/01/childrenswritersdontmisbeha
#15yrsago #slimgaillard #vout #hipster #mickeymouse #dandd #randomhouse
I challenge you not to smile when listening to this:
'Serenade to a Poodle' by Slim Gaillard
#music #jumpblues #slimgaillard
π #NowPlaying on KEXP's #PreachinTheBlues
Slim Gaillard:
π΅ The Bartender Is Like A Mother To Me
#nowplaying #PreachinTheBlues #slimgaillard
π #NowPlaying on KEXP's #PreachinTheBlues
Slim Gaillard:
π΅ Taxpayer's Blues
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#nowplaying #PreachinTheBlues #slimgaillard
π #NowPlaying on KEXP's #PreachinTheBlues
Slim Gaillard:
π΅ Early In The Morning
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#nowplaying #PreachinTheBlues #slimgaillard
It's a novelty, contains a reference to a STD (1), reached number 2 on the Billboard charts:
Slim Gaillard & Slam Stewart, "Flat Feet Floogee" (1938)
#MusicTuesday #NoveltyHits #SlimGaillard
(1) See: https://riverwalkjazz.stanford.edu/program/52nd-street-nyc-big-city-jazz-30s
#MusicTuesday #noveltyhits #slimgaillard
#DemandezLeProgramme #jazz :
1953 - Festival of Modern American Jazz - Masonic Temple - Detroit: Stan Kenton and his Orchestra, Erroll Garner trio, June Christy, Dizzy Gillespie, Stan Getz, Slim Gaillard, Candido
#StanGetz #ErrollGarner #StanKenton #DizzyGillespie #SlimGaillard
#demandezleprogramme #jazz #stangetz #errollgarner #stankenton #dizzygillespie #slimgaillard
Wow! Great stuff.
Thank you for this.
I'd never heard of them until this.
I would also say that Slim Gaillard (and Slam Stewart) contributed hugely to the birth of rap.
This from 1938 -
#music #groovejuicespecial #slimgaillard
π #NowPlaying on #BBC6Music's #CerysMatthews
Slim Gaillard & Slam Stewart:
π΅ Palm Springs Jump
#nowplaying #bbc6music #CerysMatthews #slimgaillard #SlamStewart
Mores songs about drinking and food:
Sam Gaillard, "Baked Beans and a Bottle of Beer" (1958)
#JukeboxFridayNight #SongsAboutFoodAndDrinkβ #SlimGaillard
#JukeboxFridayNight #songsaboutfoodanddrink #slimgaillard
π #NowPlaying on KEXP's #PreachinTheBlues
Slim Gaillard:
π΅ St. Louis Blues
#nowplaying #PreachinTheBlues #slimgaillard
π #NowPlaying on #KEXP's #PreachinTheBlues
Slim Gaillard:
π΅ Travelin' Blues
#nowplaying #kexp #PreachinTheBlues #slimgaillard