@ampache My main problem is that #Slimserver will write its playlists as M3Us, which Ampache can import (though its updating of them is buggy). Slimserver's UI for playlists is terrible though. Ampache won't, AFAICT, write its playlists as m3u automatically, so I have a synchronization problem between the two.
@kelbot @redeagle This is dated now, but I had some bad experiences with mpd: https://changelog.complete.org/archives/9280-sound-players-adventures-with-ampache-mpd-pulseaudio-raspberry-pi-and-logitech-media-server and https://changelog.complete.org/archives/7576-decisions-on-listening-to-music .
The really nice thing about #LogitechMediaServer / #SlimServer / #SqueezeBox is that from my control app, I can control every player in the house. Turn them on/off, add them to the sync group or remove them (so they play things standalone), adjust volume, etc. Very nice, and all this can be done from an Android app, in addition to basic music selection.
#squeezebox #slimserver #logitechmediaserver
Looking for recommendations on #WholeHouse #Audio players.
Currently, I use #SqueezeBox (aka #Slimserver) for this but it is... old. Still, I have three #RaspberryPi hooked to speakers in different rooms in the house, plus PCs. With a web interface or Android app, I can select from my music collection and have it play in all those rooms, nearly perfectly synchronized by streaming over #WiFi. But then for listening on mobile, I have to have a separate #Ampache server.
Suggestions? #AskFedi
#askFedi #ampache #WiFi #RaspberryPi #slimserver #squeezebox #audio #wholehouse
@CarlCravens I stopped with CDs. Tried Spotify for a spell, but my carefully-curated playlists would have tracks that they would lose the rights to and disappear. Got tired of someone else being in control of what I can listen to. Now use #slimserver (I believe it was you that put me up to that in the first place) and #Ampache for streaming to phones.
Long overdue but I finally had time to update my tutorial how to create a cheap, FLOSS Logitech Media Server (aka #SlimServer). SlimServer powers #Squeezebox and multiple 3rd-party audioplayers.
With my newly installed music server I thought it was time for some improvements. The standard web interface of the FLOSS Logitech Media Server or Slimserver looks pretty outdated. Luckily other skins can be used such as the beautiful Material skin.
#slimserver #squeezebox #audio