Rhai noson, dwi'n cysgu'n well a peidio symud cymaint felly mae poen y bore wedyn yn llai.
Doedd neithiwr ddim un ohonyn nhw.
Some nights, I sleep better and don't move as much so the pain in the morning is less.
Last night wasn't one of them.
Mond isio diolch i'r staff i gyd nath helpu fi yn Ysbyty Gwynedd dydd Mercher-dydd Iau. Sêr, pob un, a does dim un ohonyn yn haeddu y ffordd mae'r llywodraeth na'r wasg 'lapdog' yn eu thrin nhw.
Just want to thank all the staff that attended to me at Ysbyty Gwynedd on Wednesday-Thursday. Stars, every single one, and none of them deserve the way they are being treated by the government or the lapdog press.
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