@maudenificent Ita really has done a number on Aunty. Finished the job that Michelle 'Murdoch' was sent in to do. I remember the CFC hole. The UV factor is so much more dangerous now than it was when we were kids. #SlipSlopSlap is essential. @barb @_L1vY_
Sunburn update: two weeks later, legs peeling, chest no longer looking like rancid spam. #SlipSlopSlap
It looks like we will have sunshine and heat for Christmas Day here in the Bay of Islands, NZ
#Summer #SlipSlopSlap - dont forget to put your sunblock on! And stay in the shade
If you're not dark skinned, but living in the subtropics or tropics, please for the love of all, wear a hat.
A proper hat, not a ridiculous baseball cap.
(Also, you're probably on someone else's country. Show some respect.)
#wisdomoferich #slipslopslap #wearahat