Sad news: #SecondLife content creator Xzavia Yifu has passed away. She was the creator behind #TimelessTextures - a well known SL business. It was reported by Wyvern Dryke, who was a friend of hers. They’re pictured together in the #SLNewser post.
Gosh, I have a LOT of her textures. I’m contacting Wyvvy about that memorial idea. Many content creators in SL owe Xzavia a debt of gratitude for her wonderful work.
#secondlife #timelesstextures #slnewser
Second Life Newser: Interview With Gem Sunkiller
Long time reader of the #SecondLife newspaper the #SLNewser - you have to ignore the outdated look. #RelayForLifeInSecondLife is a huge fundraising event for the American Cancer Society, raising millions of real US dollars over the years. In the int
#ChameleonicPossessions #RelayForLife #Steelhead #RelayforLifeinSecondLife #RFL #SecondLife #SLNewser
#secondlife #slnewser #relayforlifeinsecondlife #chameleonicpossessions #relayforlife #steelhead #rfl
The Radegast #text-based viewer for #SecondLife is getting an update according to the #SLNewser