Sarai als Welpe und Sarai als Erwachsene. 🧡
2019 und 2023.
Ich finde, man sieht ihr die Entwicklung an, die sie gemacht hat. Ich bin sehr stolz auf sie. :)
#Hunde #HundePhotografie #Hundecontent #Windhund #Sloughi #SloughiSarai #Sarai #GestromterHund #Schlappohren #Regenbogen
#Hunde #hundephotografie #hundecontent #windhund #sloughi #sloughisarai #Sarai #gestromterhund #schlappohren #regenbogen
Why yes, of course you can check on the neighbours while having breakfast, look what they're up to again!
#Sloughi #Sighthound #Windhund #Sarai #SloughiSarai #Breakfast #Frühstück #Wochenende
#sloughi #sighthound #windhund #Sarai #sloughisarai #breakfast #fruhstuck #wochenende
It was so damn cozy like this! 🥰
Perfect christmas with that sweetheart. 🧡
#SloughiSarai #Sloughi #Sighthound #ArabianGreyhound #CuddleUp #SleepyDog
#sloughisarai #sloughi #sighthound #arabiangreyhound #cuddleup #sleepydog
Sloughi Sarai was too tired to go to bed on her own after an exciting christmas day. So I borrowed her my special pullover jacket and she fell asleep in just a moment. 🧡
Often enough it doesn't need much, but an open eye for your dogs current needs.
#Sighthound #TiredDogs #MastoDogs #Sarai #SloughiSarai #Sloughi #ArabianGreyhound #GoodDoggos
#sighthound #tireddogs #mastodogs #Sarai #sloughisarai #sloughi #arabiangreyhound #gooddoggos