Oh, and there will be an open access article in Jazykovedný časopis (Journal of linguistics) after #Slovko2023 too.
And Daniel Kluvanec from the DG of #translation at the @EU_Commission will be one of the keynote speakers!
@corpuslinguistics @DiscourseNet
Very mood-lifting to read a positive acceptance to #NLP and #corpuslinguistics conference #Slovko2023 in October! My sociology #PhD colleague Ondřej Pekáček and I will present our study on migration discourses 2015 and 2022. Title: When is a crisis really a crisis? Using NLP and corpus linguistic methods to reveal differences in migration discourse across Czech media.
I hope there will be a hybrid version for others to listen in this year, too.
@corpuslinguistics @DiscourseNet
#PHD #slovko2023 #corpuslinguistics #nlp
Last days to register (no abstract at this stage) for #Slovko2023 — with presentation or just to listen in on the competent #computationallinguistics researchers of Central Europe! (And, of course, a reason to visit Bratislava.) Hope to see you there!
Read more: https://korpus.sk/o-nas/konferencie/slovko-2023/
#corpuslinguistics #nlp #naturallanguageprocessing #conferencecalling #academicconference
@linguistics @corpuslinguistics
#academicconference #conferencecalling #NaturalLanguageProcessing #nlp #corpuslinguistics #computationallinguistics #slovko2023