My potato, leek and bacon soup turned out delicious!
#slowcooking #soup #slowcooker
Die Wattzahl hat nicht mit Energie, sondern nur mit Leistung zu tun. Der Energiebedarf ergibt sich aus der Güte der Isolation und der Garzeit.
#slowcooker #Balkonsolar #Energiewende #kochen
Cold, wet week in Albury so I've put up four litres of vegetable soup in the slow cooker. Recipe is basically what's left in the pantry #slowcooker #soup
I made this no knead focaccia today, for the second time. It's amazing how easy it is too, and turns out quite yummy.
#cooking #slowcooking #slowcooker
@jpm Now I'm torn between #SousVide pulled pork, #SlowCooker pulled pork, and #PelletGrill pulled pork...
#sousvide #slowcooker #pelletgrill
well, it's that time of year where I swap the juicer for the slow cooker. What are some of your favourite slow cooker recipes?
#SlowCooker #Juicer #Autumn #Winter
#slowcooker #juicer #autumn #winter
Since several people were talking about dump cake on here a couple weeks ago,here is a recipe for one done in the crockpot.
With just 3 ingredients & a box of carrot cake mix you can create a dessert your family is going to love with this tasty #CrockPot Carrot Cake Dump Cake #recipe!
#Vegetarian #SlowCooker #Dessert #CarrotCake #DumpCake
#crockpot #recipe #vegetarian #slowcooker #dessert #carrotcake #dumpcake
Acorn squash in a slow cooker for tonight.
#cooking #squash #acornsquash #slowcooker #crockpot
It's unfortunate that this load balancer is no longer maintained, but I found one called #gobetween that I guess does what I want it too. Here is me trying to "performance" test it with slowcoooker. I dunno if these numbers are right.. Thing seems pretty performant.
#gobetween #homelab #minilab #slowcooker #selfhosting #selfhosted
both me (lactose intolerant carnivore) and My wife (ex veggie current pescetarian) loved it.
I LOVE mac 'n' cheese but don't love the upset stomach and cramps that accompanies it so I'm PUMPED this worked.
Advantage of the #SlowCooker nothing is going to burn or majorly overcook until my wife is ready. In the meantime rinsing some Kalettes (fresh from the allotment) in salt water to ensure no.. er.. "wildlife" ;) remain
Will steam these over the cooking pasta. A very easy and energy efficient meal.
Gods, but I love my slow cooker. Where have you been all my life, beautiful machine?
Made chicken breasts in it yesterday that I couldn't lift out the pot with a fork; they just kept melting apart. 😍
And the smell that fills the house when you're cooking...omg...
It's also helping me to properly cook for the first time in years which has cut down my intake of hi-carb, hi-fat, hi-sugar rubbish by about 85%.
#cookery #slowcooker #miraclemachine #juicytenderbreasts
Cook dinner in the AM
No worries for dinner time
Slow cooker for ease
#slowcooker #chicken #dinnerprep #mealplanning #haiku #poetry
#chicken #mealplanning #slowcooker #dinnerprep #haiku #poetry
Dat je de #boodschappen al heel vroeg laat bezorgen omdat je alles voor de #erwtensoep al vroeg in de #slowcooker wilt mikken zodat de #soep rond avondetenstijd klaar is en je tot de ontdekking komt dat je vergeten hebt spliterwten te bestellen. 🫢😁
Goed, eerst nog een bakje koffie en dan maar even naar de buurtsuper.
#boodschappen #erwtensoep #slowcooker #soep #snert
Soup from the #slowcooker is a simple chicken noodle soup. All the leftovers basically. Chicken, carrots, celery, onions, garlic, chicken cube, pepper, salt, a bit off cayenne, garlic and onion powder.
Lots of people doing it tough, and there are times when I was a poor starving student that I would eat literally plain rice dressed with lemon juice and sugar for dinner because I had no money and (at that time in the 90s) no idea how to cook cheap tasty food.
So I am going to post the links to recipes that I know are pretty cheap to make and tasty/healthy.
Starting with the Meghan Markle Sexy Mush Pasta Sauce.
Its very easy, with few ingredients and readers, it freezes beautifully so you can make heaps and save for later.
#cheapeats #lowcost #easydinnerideas #slowcooker
Today's tea break reading is this collection of #SlowCooker #recipes from BBC:
There's a few tasty-looking meals there that I've not done in the slow cooker before. Might have to change that.
Ahhh the joys of a wild, windy day when you live #OffGrid. It means you get to use the now rather old slow cooker. Slow cooked brisket for dinner tonight.
#offgridliving #slowcooker #offgrid