@ElizabethLeeCo @Fury I love #SlowlySlowlySlowly which I have used for describing the pace of my phd. #SlowScholarship is a whole movement! Books and everything! Slow is good.
#slowscholarship #slowlyslowlyslowly
My current project is adjusting to not being in "thesis writing mode." I am being patient with myself. I did my paid work this morning. I did a few sewing repairs. I am dusting off my to-read pile. Taking my cues from the pup (snuggle, sleep, eat, play, walk). I wrote my thesis #SlowlySlowlySlowly so I am going to recover slowly. It has been four days since I've submitted so I suspect I might need a few more days to adjust.
#PhDLife #AcademicParent #SlowScholarship #Thesis #Submitted #Writing
#writing #submitted #thesis #slowscholarship #academicparent #phdlife #slowlyslowlyslowly
Have been writing and editing and writing and editing but I am not going to make my first submission deadline for my thesis. Taking the tuition hit and aiming for July. Awful in terms of $ but emotionally, I felt so calm and relaxed as soon as I decided.
I have a full draft. I just need to polish the heck out of my discussion chapter. Not having to rush that is heavenly! But slow scholarship is expensive!
#SlowlySlowlySlowly #AmWriting #AmEditing #PhDLife #SlowScholarship
#slowscholarship #phdlife #amediting #amwriting #slowlyslowlyslowly
I can finish my #AdvancedYogaTeacherTraining ! And I have had a magazine subscription for three years to a monthly magazine that I have only ever read one of. I have a stack to read.
Easing into new lifestyle rhythms will take time tho. #Slowly #SlowlySlowlySlowly
#slowlyslowlyslowly #slowly #freetime #amreading #advancedyogateachertraining
I read my thesis today from front to back in one go. First time reading it as one piece as opposed to five chapters.
Lots of big feelings. But I already have plans for my first former writing block tomorrow.
#ThereWillBeEdits #AlmostThere
#PhDLife #AmWriting #AmReading #AmEditing #SlowlySlowlySlowly #AcademicWriting #AcademicParent
#academicparent #academicwriting #slowlyslowlyslowly #amediting #amreading #amwriting #phdlife #almostthere #therewillbeedits