"arXiv is a cancer that promotes the dissemination of junk 'science' in a format that is indistinguishable from real publications."
Riled by low-quality #preprints about #ChatGPT, @emilymbender pulls no punches. Thoughts, @academicchatter?
#OpenScience #arXiv #PeerReview #AcademicMastodon #AcademicChatter #AI #SlowScience #Reproducibility
#preprints #chatgpt #openscience #arxiv #peerreview #AcademicMastodon #academicchatter #ai #slowscience #reproducibility
“There is no friction-free path towards the abundance of convivial science. No well-oiled machine will arrive to pave the road for us. Convivial science is not the next big thing, but a lot of small things: slow and open, boring and punk, sustainable and federated, and more still!”
— @SylviaFysica, Towards convivial science
#slowscience #openscience #convivial #FQXi #science
“There is no friction-free path towards the abundance of convivial science. No well-oiled machine
will arrive to pave the road for us. Convivial science is not the next big thing, but a lot of small
things: slow and open, boring and punk, sustainable and federated, and more still!”
— @SylviaFysica, Towards convivial science
#slowscience #openscience #convivial #FQXi #science
A post-growth suggestion is that the normative pursuit of growth needs to be reframed as a pursuit of health. So, as a random example, an editor of an academic journal (and its readers) should know whether increasing a journal's volume is healthy (or not) for the journal. Does this reframing work/help?
Profit making should have no role in science. https://degrowth.info/en/blog/the-manifesto-of-degrowth-journal
The Culture of Academic Publishing (LSE Review 2022) https://blogs.lse.ac.uk/impactofsocialsciences/2022/12/19/2022-in-review-the-culture-of-academic-publishing/
#degrowth #elsevier #slowscience #postgrowth
"This setup is so cool, we had to rejuvenate it for two years and then for a year we were steadlily acquiring data. We have perks that somebody 10 years ago made possible because maybe somebody would need them." ~ roughly the chat with Cosetta Baroni.
In fact it was a 90 minute masterclass in #ColdAtoms 🙏🙏🙏: they tune the interaction of Li and K using Feshbach resonances, have Rabbi interference for tuning the state allowing for selective readout, and by choosing the isotope they can have either bosons or fermions dragging as polarons in a Fermi sea oh btw which is polarized by several Gauss magnetic field controlled to mili Gauss.
#awesomescience #slowscience #coldatoms
@ml That would be salutary and might give us some ideas to evaluate without using rotten capitalist concepts!
#STEM #SlowScience
Just a random shout-out for #SlowScience as a (self-)reminder that #good and #sound #science takes #time, even though that is not heavily incentivzed.
#time #science #sound #good #slowscience
Just came out from a #Inrae workshop organized by #ecodiv department about #slowscience . A good opportunity to learn more about #RegisteredReports and two-stage research process to disentangle #postdiction from hypothesis-testing. This is appealing and definitely requires to slow down the publication frenzy !
#inrae #ecodiv #slowscience #RegisteredReports #postdiction
Advocate of #slowscience movement, I could not but found the core idea of this blog on #slowmusic very appeling!
(Despite I am also very fond of rapid beats :ablobcatbongo: )
Advocate of #slowscience movement, I could not but found the core idea of this blog on #slowmusic very appeling!
(Despite I am also very found of rapid beats :ablobcatbongo: :ablobcatbongo:
Quand'è che studiare è diventato una gara? Brunella Casalini commenta il discorso di Emma Ruzzan https://www.unipd.it/sites/unipd.it/files/2022/Intervento-Presidente-Consiglio-studenti-Emma-Ruzzon.pdf qui: https://btfp.sp.unipi.it/it/2023/02/la-cura-della-vita-dei-giovani-e-delle-generazioni/ #università #ipercompetizione #slowscience
#universita #ipercompetizione #slowscience
A project I started working on over 5 years ago completed a milestone today (paper accepted at Ling&Phil 🎉). It feels like such an era... two academic moms on two continents, meeting weekly when possible, often late at night (for the European) or in odd places (for the USian - even in a driving car!), interrupted by children’s illnesses or our mismatched academic schedules, by academic precarity, a pandemic, and a war. #slowScience #academicParents
Fantastic new paper by @anneurai and @clarekelly: "Rethinking academia in a time of #ClimateCrisis." https://elifesciences.org/articles/84991
The authors use Kate Raworth's "#DoughnutFramework" to identify where #academia is in shortfall and in overshoot, and propose a call to action fit for the climate and ecological crisis all around us.
#Academia #EthicalScience #EthicalPublishing #OpenScience #ScienceMastodon #ClimateEmergency #Climate #Ecology #University #DoughnutEconomics #SlowScience #Degrowth
#degrowth #slowscience #doughnuteconomics #university #ecology #Climate #climateemergency #ScienceMastodon #OpenScience #ethicalpublishing #ethicalscience #academia #doughnutframework #climatecrisis
Fantastic new paper by @anneurai and @clarekelly: "Rethinking academia in a time of #ClimateCrisis." https://elifesciences.org/articles/84991
The authors use Kate Raworth's "#DoughnutFramework" to identify where #academia is in shortfall and in overshoot, and propose a call to action fit for the climate and ecological crisis all around us.
#Academia #EthicalScience #EthicalPublishing #OpenScience #ScienceMastodon #ClimateEmergency #Climate #Ecology #University #DoughnutEconomics #SlowScience
#slowscience #doughnuteconomics #university #ecology #Climate #climateemergency #ScienceMastodon #OpenScience #ethicalpublishing #ethicalscience #academia #doughnutframework #climatecrisis
Il 27/02 #PaolaChiaraMasuzzo sarà a #Bologna per #SlowScience alla Biblioteca Dario Nobili del #CNR, parlerà di #OpenKnowledge e #openData. Il 28/02, stesso luogo, farà un incontro solo su #FairData
#paolachiaramasuzzo #bologna #slowscience #cnr #openknowledge #opendata #fairdata
When you actually simulate the processes that generated your data well #SlowScience
For our mental health, once in a while
we go to the cinema instead of binge watching the latest show,
we listen to that one vinyl instead of streaming a playlist,
we code without copilot,
we write a paper without a LLM.
A sign that #slowscience is needed? If researchers repost you, and then say they have never seen that information. Approach 2023 with care, and speed is not always better than depth and thoughtful ideas.
Laboratory success in nuclear fusion is a great example of #SlowScience - we cannot expect to have breakthroughs on short-term research projects. This is real scientific perseverance (70 years of research!), which is so inspiring in itself. #Research
For so long, we have joked in the climate/energy research community that #fusion has always been '30 years away'. Now, it might really be 30 years away (too late for real climate impact, but still revolutionary in energy terms).
#slowscience #research #fusion